Lost ability to save prefs after inst of IE6

  • Thread starter Thread starter Karl Naumann
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Karl Naumann

We use Win2K on numerous workstations on our network. We also use
Mechanical desktop from Autodesk and Autodesk products require IE6 or
later to be installed on the machine.

Prior to installing IE6, a workstation user (that has local admin privs
on his/her machine) can have numerous programs and windows open (control
panel, admin tools, windows explorer (files) notepad... etc.) and when
that person logs off the machine and logs back on, those same windows
are right back where they were prior to logging off or shutting down.

After installation of IE6 (from the Autodesk CD) all window locations
and open programs are lost and closed. We've observed this on numerous
machines and while not crippling, it's very annoying.

There are 2 people that had IE6 installed (through windrows update)
prior to installing MEch Desktop, and their settings are saved properly
on exit of windows.

3 other machines that had IE 5.5 installed and were upgraded (through
IE6 install from MS) also exhibit the same "no save settings on exit".
Autodesk was not installed on these machines. We tried this since we
suspected the IE6 install from Autodesk being corrupt.

As long as we don't do any other IE6 updates, we can uninstall and
revert back to IE5.5. Like magic, our settings are saved on exit again.

All machines are either at the SP3 level or a few have SP4. They are all
P4 machines 1.2 gig or better, have plenty of ram (512M+) and are
otherwise very stable.

Is there any registry setting that could be edited/added to enable the
saving of program window locations, prior to the IE6 install.
Any other suggestions to regain our previous behavior prior to the IE6
install and keep the latest browser so Mechanical Desktop will function

Karl Naumann
Chesapeake Sciences
Millersville Md.
<SNIP> After installation of IE6 (from the Autodesk CD) all window locations and
open programs are lost and closed. Is there any registry setting that could be
edited/added to enable the saving of program window locations <SNIP>

Windows Explorer will restore previous folder windows at logon after applying the
regedit given in the following archived newsgroup post:

Google Groups Link to Original Message:
http://www.google.com/groups?&[email protected]

----- Begin Original Message -----
From: "Torgeir Bakken (MVP)" <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.win2000.general
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: SP4 Browser


Under the registry key


create a DWORD value with the name PersistBrowsers and set it to 1.

----- End Original Message -----
That seems to have fixed it. Thank you very much. I searched on JSI but wasn't using
the proper terminology.

Just curious, what caused this problem to begin with?
Was that reg entry there and IE6 decided to delete it or did it change something that
caused it to ignore the previous settings somewhere in the registry?
Why would IE6 mess with a desktop setting such as that?

Karl Naumann
Chesapeake Sciences
Millersville Md