Liz Gerosa
The address toolbar has dropped off some of the computers
in my network. I have done the following to restore it:
first the obvious of going into view --> toolbars -->
checking off address etc. Doesn't work. I then went into
the registry and navigated to
ar and deleted that file and then re-opened the browser
and it still wouldn't auto restore. I then restored the
registry to the original file that I had copied.
I can't find any info on other ways to fix this problem.
Do you have any suggestions. This is a high school and it
renders these computers virtually useless to the students
for Internet research without this toolbar for addresses.
Thank you Liz
in my network. I have done the following to restore it:
first the obvious of going into view --> toolbars -->
checking off address etc. Doesn't work. I then went into
the registry and navigated to
ar and deleted that file and then re-opened the browser
and it still wouldn't auto restore. I then restored the
registry to the original file that I had copied.
I can't find any info on other ways to fix this problem.
Do you have any suggestions. This is a high school and it
renders these computers virtually useless to the students
for Internet research without this toolbar for addresses.
Thank you Liz