Losing Text on Navigation Bar



I'm using FP 2002 on Win XP Home.....When I preview my
home page and test the links to the other pages using the
buttons on the navigation bar I lose the text on the
navigation bars on all the other pages. Help!!

Alison Martin

Stefan B Rusynko

Lose them where?
Preview in Browser
Make sure your file names are legal - no spaces or punctuation


| I'm using FP 2002 on Win XP Home.....When I preview my
| home page and test the links to the other pages using the
| buttons on the navigation bar I lose the text on the
| navigation bars on all the other pages. Help!!
| Thanks,
| Alison Martin


Are you dragging each of your pages into navigation? The
side navigation bar only shows up on pages beyond your
home page if the pages are set up in the navigation


Thanks for the responses....I think I need to clarify
myself....I'm using a clip art that works with the look of
my site...i'm using this clip art as the buttons on the
top of each page so users can navigate the whole site with
consistency(I linked each button to go to the appropriate
page within the site)....i have put text overlay on each
button ie.Home,Photos,Contact, etc....when I preview the
site the text stays on the buttons on the home page but
disappears on all the other pages....all that is on the
other pages are the clip art buttons. What am I doing

Thomas A. Rowe

One solution would be actually place your text on each of the images in a
image application them import the completed image into your current open FP
web, then insert on your pages.

I would suggest using the FP Include Page so that in the future you only
have to make a change to a single page.

The FP Include Page component may also be another solution to the current
way you are creating your buttons, but if FP is using VML to do this, this
may not work well in all browsers/versions.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

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MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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