I have a secondary table that contain various fields that hold the indexes
of other table records. This secondary table is independent of the primary
table that contains the records.
1) When I repair or compact the DB, do table indexes change?
2) Is there anyway to save the indexes of the primary tables in a secondary
table field and maintain the link to the primary table such that if the
primary table record index changes (e.g. repair or compaction) the secondary
table fields (which hold the index values) also change?
of other table records. This secondary table is independent of the primary
table that contains the records.
1) When I repair or compact the DB, do table indexes change?
2) Is there anyway to save the indexes of the primary tables in a secondary
table field and maintain the link to the primary table such that if the
primary table record index changes (e.g. repair or compaction) the secondary
table fields (which hold the index values) also change?