Losing quality on recordings converted to svcd and vcd?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andrew
  • Start date Start date


I am wondering how to get some good quality on a vcd or svcd.

The mpg files captured on my ATI All In Wonder 7500 look great played back
on my TV. However as soon as I use Roxio or Ulead to make a vcd or svcd the
quality is crap. There appear to be dropped frames making the video jump
around and digital artifacts are present everywhere.

Why is the coverted video not the same quality as the one I play back in the
file player?

that would be caused by the codec being used from either Roxio or
You have to check your settings for the output. I use the MP4 in MMC
and then use nero to output to sVCD.
The quality is great using the nero's default.
MP4 in MMC ??

I don't see where this is set.

Home Theatre preset.
But why?
Why not just record in svcd mpg2 with MMC?
Increase the Motion Estimation quality to 100 if you want a clearer
Then use nero to burn. Or tmpgenc to edit it if you wish to first.
I don't have this preset, but my question still goes back to why, if the
video plays back fine on the player, do I end up with a poor video when
making a vcd or svcd?
I don't have this preset, but my question still goes back to why, if the
video plays back fine on the player, do I end up with a poor video when
making a vcd or svcd?

Which quality setting in MMC are you using to make the mpg? Go to
MMC's Personal Video Recorder tab and check.
If you're using the svcd or vcd, then further encoding them isnt
necessary to make a vcd or svcd.
After dropping them into Ulead or Roxio to make the svcd or vcd, are
they further encoding them? Do either give you errors that they arent
compliant mpegs and wish to encode them further?
If they're encoding them further, or even if they're not, then 'JAD's
answer is correct...the codec by by Roxio or Ulead is messing them up.
After I make the mpgs using the SVCD or VCD preset in MMC, I just use
Nero's SVCD or VCD selection and drop the mpg in there....it checks
and sees if they're compliant in less than 10 seconds and it's ready
to burn. The mpg from the svcd or vcd disc looks no different than
the original mpg.
This seems to be the area I am having problems with. MMC? Exactly how do I
get to these settings, it appears you have settings I don't have.
This seems to be the area I am having problems with. MMC? Exactly how do I
get to these settings, it appears you have settings I don't have.

Ah..ok. I'd download the latest MMC (multimedia center) 8.9 from ati's
It'll work with yours because it works with my original aiw
radeon...which I think is designated as the 7200.
Go into its options, choose the Personal Video Recorder tab. From
there you can go into the 'map preset' and choose a lot of different
'presets' for recording quality.
Well, downloaded this, and with the exception of the sound on recorded
video being unfit everything else is as it should be. I started another
thread looking for help with the sound issue. Thanks.