the computers have 256 mg of ram and are celeron 1.6 gig
processors. I use the wizard to set up a network
contection and i am conected to my other computer and
printers 5 min. later i am no longer conneted and have to
run the set wizard again to establish a connection. hope
you can help.
Well that's a start. But we need more. The more we know the better we
can help out. Since we aren't there to see your settings and network we
rely on you to provide the info.
Hardware Questions:
How are your computers networked via hardware? Please be very specific.
Are you using ethernet? Phone line? Wireless? Are you using routers?
Hubs? Switches? How are they connected to each other?
Software Questions:
Do you get any error messages? Specificly are you getting any "A network
cable is unpluged" messages on the machines having trouble?
General Questions:
What is the exact problem? What part of the networking are you having
troubles with? Do you loose Internet Access or do you loose file/print
sharing ability? You can loose one without affecting the other.
As you can see from my questions there are a lot of things that *might*
be wrong, but without more info where do we start? So far you have said
4 of your 8 systems are having network problems. But you don't mention
what those problems are. There are two possible concerns a hardware
issue and a software issue. We need to know more about you specific
hardware setup to be more specific.
Personaly my first hunch is that it might be a hardware issue, but
without knowing what hardware your using and how, I could be way off the
mark. For an example lets say that your using wired ethernet
connections. That means you should be using a combination of
hubs/switches and/or routers. If the 4 working machines are connected
to one switch/hub and the other 4 to different switch/hub. Then there is
a strong possibility that it's a hardware issue. Or at the very least a
software issue specific to that hub/switch.