Lose history, cookies, etc. on reboot

  • Thread starter Thread starter Taz
  • Start date Start date


Howdy all-

I've taken a look through the KB and the archives, but I'm not really sure
where this fits in, so apologies if this is in a FAQ somewhere.

Running Win98SE w/ MSIE 6.0.x

On a clean startup, MSIE works as it should. My cookies remain, auto
complete works, my history is as it should be, etc.

However, after reboot, everything disappear, no history, no auto complete,
no cookies (i.e., logging into sites over and over again). I've manually
removed the temp and history files; I've used smart protect to wipe
everything else.

I have AdAware and SpyBot on the machine, but -as is so common w/ these
problems- this MSIE behavior just popped up out of nowhere. There were no
hardware/software changes proceeding this behavior.

If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate a brainstorm or two.


"However, after reboot, everything disappear, no history, no auto complete,
no cookies (i.e., logging into sites over and over again). I've manually
removed the temp and history files; I've used smart protect to wipe
everything else."

What's the problem?
[must...fix...timestamp] Tomorrow, at 1:15pm, Touch Base penned:

<> "However, after reboot, everything disappear, no history, no auto
<> complete, no cookies (i.e., logging into sites over and over again).
<> I've manually removed the temp and history files; I've used smart
<> protect to wipe everything else."
<> What's the problem?

heh...thanks for the good chuckle...

Sometimes, you deal w/ a problem for so long, you figure the world knows
exactly what you're saying when you clearly don't :)

The problem is that I actually WANT the history, the cookies, etc. to
stick around. All the wipes I've done were in an attempt to kill a
corrupted folder that I figured was causing the problem. I.e.,
smartprotect is disabled, spybot, et al. are disabled, etc.

E.g., startup > login to a web service > CLOSE MSIE

No problems; history, cookies all there on re-open

BUT, startup > login to a web service > SHUTDOWN

History, cookies, etc. all gone on reboot

Again, I've used the shareware wipers, manually deltree'd in dos, and just
about everything else I can thing of, but I still have to re-login after
reboot; tab complete doesn't work after reboot, etc. etc.

I hope I've been clearer.

Thanks for your time-

Hi Taz :-)

Try the following and see if it helps:

IE>Tools>Internet Options>General tab> Days to Keep in History
"The History folder contains the links to pages you've visited,
for quick access to recently viewed pages"
Enter the number of days you want the History to archive the links


IE>Tools>General tab>Temporary Internet Files> Settings
Check the boxes here for whatever events you want.
Click Appy and OK out.


Fixing History in Internet Explorer

Although it may seem repetative, please review the following steps that
might apply first to see if there is something you may have over looked in
clearing your TIF's:

Your History folder may be damaged.

Or the History folder can be deleted manually:
See: How To Delete the Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files:

You might need to delete the damaged History folder- a new one will be
created on restart.


History folder corrupted -

For W98 (W98se) proceed as follows as per Sandi's site:

1) Start>Shutdown>Re-start in MS-DOS mode
2) Wait for Mouse to be recognized, and for the system to stabilize.
3) At the prompt of C:\> type the words: "Deltree History" (Note: there is
a space between the two. Do not use any " quotation marks)
5) press enter
6) A confirmation request appears (Y/N)
7) Type: "Y" and press enter (no quotation marks)
8) Another prompt will appear (Y/N)
9) Type: "Y" and press enter.
10) Hit Ctrl-Alt-Del to close out of the DOS session and to re-boot in
normal mode.

The same process may be followed for your Temporary Internet Files as well.
This will create a new Index.dat file free of corruption and sized at 32 KB.
In that case the command line to use will be "Deltree Tempor~1"

Proceed slowly and carefully, noting that each command and instruction is

If you've been using any other method of cleaning files and stuff out of
the Content.IE5 folder other than the use of IE Options>delete files>delete
all off-line content> OK>OK out. Stop doing that. The aforementioned
process of using IE Options is the only safe and prescribed way of
cleaning. (other than the DOS Deltree command)


To create a new History Forlder

Or try installing TweakUI.


If you have McAfee AV running only, otherwise, ignore:

Turn off the ActiveX part of McAfee's Internet Filter

McAfee gave this solution to the bug where VirusScan 6 stops your Internet
Explorer History file working. Hope it is of some help:

Open VirusScan console
Select "Pick a task..."
Select "Change my VirusScan settings"
Select "Configure VShield background scanning"
Select "Customise your VShield settings"

Select the "Internet Filter" icon from the icons down the left hand side On
the "Detection" tab, in the 'Applet filters' section, remove the tick next
to "ActiveX Controls".


Run regedit and navigate to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER|Software|Microsoft|Internet Explorer|Main

and insure that Save_Session_History_On_Exit is marked YES and not NO. (I
just checked mine, and it is set to NO by default).

Also try slipping down to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER|Software|Microsoft|Internet Explorer|TypedURLs

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
How to make a good newsgroup post:
Today, at 2:40pm, Jan Il penned:

<> Hi Taz :-)
<> Try the following and see if it helps:


I did all the tips you listed. No dice.

N.B. Does it make any difference that the paths reference "ie5" and I'm
running MSIE 6.x?

<> HKEY_CURRENT_USER|Software|Microsoft|Internet Explorer|Main
<> and insure that Save_Session_History_On_Exit is marked YES and not
<> NO. (I just checked mine, and it is set to NO by default).

I "fixed" this - no dice.

<> Also try slipping down to:
<> HKEY_CURRENT_USER|Software|Microsoft|Internet Explorer|TypedURLs

This value was not present.

Oddly enough, the address bar tries to auto-complete *filenames* but won't
do URLs. This behavior has NOT changed since I first wrote (although, I
prolly should have noted this originally).

Is a reinstall in my future?

Again, thanks for the pointers-

Hi Taz :-)

Thank you for the additional information. Try the following and see if it
will help:

Unable to search from IE6 Address Bar

Check the Registry to see if this file is there. Sometime during removal of
hijackers or spyware files in the Registry can get corrupted or removed as
well. If not, try adding this line to this part of the registry.

(watch for the wrap, it should be all on one line)


Restore default Search functions: You will have to redo any customized
features you may have added afterward.

To restore you default Search functions, download and run the program below:
Reset Search:
This will restore your default Search functionality.


Courtesy of Tony Klein, MS MVP:

This will restore the Windows defaults for a whole lot of Search related
registry entries.


Close IE, copy the bold to Notepad, save as Search.reg (save as 'all files',
and doubleclick. Answer 'yes' when prompted to add the contents of
Search.reg to the Registry:

REGEDIT4 (Watch for the line wrap. Each one should be all on on line.)

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchUrl]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\main]
"Search Page"="http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=ie&ar=iesearch"
"Search Bar"="http://search.msn.com/spbasic.htm"

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\URLSearchHooks]



fix] @="http://"


If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
How to make a good newsgroup post:

Today, at 2:40pm, Jan Il penned:

<> Hi Taz :-)
<> Try the following and see if it helps:


I did all the tips you listed. No dice.

N.B. Does it make any difference that the paths reference "ie5" and
I'm running MSIE 6.x?

<> HKEY_CURRENT_USER|Software|Microsoft|Internet Explorer|Main
<> and insure that Save_Session_History_On_Exit is marked YES and not
<> NO. (I just checked mine, and it is set to NO by default).

I "fixed" this - no dice.

<> Also try slipping down to:
<> HKEY_CURRENT_USER|Software|Microsoft|Internet Explorer|TypedURLs

This value was not present.

Oddly enough, the address bar tries to auto-complete *filenames* but
won't do URLs. This behavior has NOT changed since I first wrote
(although, I prolly should have noted this originally).

Is a reinstall in my future?

Again, thanks for the pointers-

Jan II

Interesting post
Taz and I seem to have a similar problem.
I went into the registry and found two lines at the place you
on the PC I am experencing the problem on

on another PC with the same updates
and no problem there only
{CFBFAE00-17A6-11D0-99CB-00C04FD64497} was present

should I remove the second line with the leading characters after
a backup?

I use Spybot search & destroy and Ad-aware SE as well.
Do you think the problem arose after a cleaning?


Hi Semper :-)
Jan II

Interesting post
Taz and I seem to have a similar problem.
I went into the registry and found two lines at the place you
on the PC I am experencing the problem on

on another PC with the same updates
and no problem there only
{CFBFAE00-17A6-11D0-99CB-00C04FD64497} was present

should I remove the second line with the leading characters after
a backup?

I don't know about removing the other file, but, if you back up the
Registry, you can try it. You can always replace it if necessary.
I use Spybot search & destroy and Ad-aware SE as well.
Do you think the problem arose after a cleaning?

Certainly spyware removal can and often does cause various problems and
corruptions. I might suggest that you try the following and see if it
helps. Doing so won't hurt if it does not cure the problem.

Download, install and run the WinsockFix Utility

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
How to make a good newsgroup post:
Today, at 10:09am, Jan Il penned:

<> Hi Taz :-)

To begin, thanks very much for your help. It's appreciated.

As the subj indicates, the problem's been fixed (see below), but I figured
I'd go through a few of these suggestions in hopes that it helps someone
else in a similar situation.

<> To restore you default Search functions, download and run the
<> program below:
<> http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/regs_edits/RestoreSearch2.REG

Dunno if this would be good for Win9x users.

<> or
<> Reset Search:
<> http://www.spywareinfo.com/downloads/tools/IEFIX.reg
<> This will restore your default Search functionality.

This is going into the "remember when..." file.

<> Close IE, copy the bold to Notepad, save as Search.reg (save as 'all
<> files', and doubleclick. Answer 'yes' when prompted to add the
<> contents of Search.reg to the Registry:

These instructions are unclear. I've dealt w/ computer probs for quite a
while, so I knew where this was going, but maybe these should be
rewritten? If you follow these verbatim, my guess is that Win is going to
tell you that it's not a registry script.

(As an aside - that Winsock fix you noted a little later is a very nice


So, as usual, it comes to user error. And, as usual, the simplest answer
is the right one. As a little background, I use my 98 machine almost
exlusively for text. I usually run Putty, lynx, w3g, etc.

What I'd forgotten: TweakUI was running in the background for an entirely
different reason. Instead of hunting around for the right setting, I just
uninstalled the whole thing. My guess is that there's a privacy setting
in there that kills cookies, etc. on logout.

MSIE works as I'd like again.

Again, thanks for all the help-

Hi Taz :-)
Today, at 10:09am, Jan Il penned:

<> Hi Taz :-)

To begin, thanks v erymuchforyourhelp.It'sappreciated.

As the subj indicates, the problem's been fixed (see below), but I
figured I'd go through a few of these suggestions in hopes that it
helps someone else in a similar situation.

<> To restore you default Search functions, download and run the
<> program below:
<> http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/regs_edits/RestoreSearch2.REG

Dunno if this would be good for Win9x users.

<> or
<> Reset Search:
<> http://www.spywareinfo.com/downloads/tools/IEFIX.reg
<> This will restore your default Search functionality.

This is going into the "remember when..." file.

<> Close IE, copy the bold to Notepad, save as Search.reg (save as
'all <> files', and doubleclick. Answer 'yes' when prompted to add
the <> contents of Search.reg to the Registry:

These instructions are unclear. I've dealt w/ computer probs for
quite a while, so I knew where this was going, but maybe these should
be rewritten? If you follow these verbatim, my guess is that Win is
going to tell you that it's not a registry script.

(As an aside - that Winsock fix you noted a little later is a very
nice program.)


So, as usual, it comes to user error. And, as usual, the simplest
answer is the right one. As a little background, I use my 98 machine
almost exlusively for text. I usually run Putty, lynx, w3g, etc.

What I'd forgotten: TweakUI was running in the background for an
entirely different reason. Instead of hunting around for the right
setting, I just uninstalled the whole thing. My guess is that
there's a privacy setting in there that kills cookies, etc. on logout.

MSIE works as I'd like again.

Again, thanks for all the help-

You're very welcome! I'm glad to hear you were able to resolve your
Good job!

Thank you for posting back and letting us know what worked for you, and for
the benefit of other readers who might have a similar problem. :-)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.