Lop.com search bar



I have a search bar on the bottom of my browser window from lop.com and links
that have been added to my favorites list. I can not close this bar or delete
the favorites. When I do a ctrl alt del I find I have 2 iexplores running,
when I end the lower usage one it closes the search bar. How can I
permanently get rid of this and the favorites I don't want?

Ron Bogart

R.K said:
I have a search bar on the bottom of my browser window from lop.com
and links that have been added to my favorites list. I can not close
this bar or delete the favorites. When I do a ctrl alt del I find I
have 2 iexplores running, when I end the lower usage one it closes
the search bar. How can I permanently get rid of this and the
favorites I don't want?

Try here there is an universal uninstaller
on the site.

Ron Bogart {} ô¿ô¬
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -
Lovin life on Mercer Island 8^)
"Life is what happens while we are making other plans."


Re: universal uninstaller
I can't seem to download the uninstaller program, first I get page
unavailable then when I refresh I get unauthorized. I tried this before and I
got a message that my security settings would not allow this download. I
tried shutting down my security and still could not download uninstaller.
I am running a trial version of Zone Alarm Pro right now to try and see if
I could block it but so far no luck. I have also tried spy-bot search and
destroy, Spysweeper and Ad-aware. All these programs have found the program
and they all say they delete it but it keeps coming back. I have also tried
running all these programs while booted up in safe mode to no avail.

Don Varnau

Have you recently downloaded and installed Messenger Plus from
http://www.msgplus.net/ ? Note: Messenger Plus is a third-party add on for
Messenger- it's not a Microsoft program. It comes with "sponsor software-
including lop) If so, you should uninstall
Messenger Plus. See: http://www.msgplus.net/help_faq.php?expand=1#huninst

If you wish to use Messenger Plus, you can install it without the sponsor
software. Watch the dialogs during installation.

If uninstalling Messenger Plus doesn't remove lop and other programs,
there's additional information at

If lop still won't leave, go to http://www.aumha.org/a/quickfix.htm Do all
of the precleaning steps, then post a HijackThis log to the forum at
Please read this message before posting the log

Hope this helps,

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