Billy Jacobs
I am having a problem with my session variable being set
to Null for no apparent reason.
I am declaring it like the following when the user logs in.
dim objUserInfo as new clsUserInfo
'Set some properties
objUserInfo.UserName = txtUserName.text.trim
'Add it to session.
Then as I move from page to page all of the sudden it
randomly is null and I get a NullReferenceError.
Is it possible that it is being garbage collected? I
thought that all Session objects were supposed to last
until the Session_End method is called.
I know it has not been called because I can still navigate
to through the pages which don't use the session
information and my site is protected by forms
This is very frustrating.
Please help.
Don't respond if you don't know what you are talking about.
Billy Jacobs.
to Null for no apparent reason.
I am declaring it like the following when the user logs in.
dim objUserInfo as new clsUserInfo
'Set some properties
objUserInfo.UserName = txtUserName.text.trim
'Add it to session.
Then as I move from page to page all of the sudden it
randomly is null and I get a NullReferenceError.
Is it possible that it is being garbage collected? I
thought that all Session objects were supposed to last
until the Session_End method is called.
I know it has not been called because I can still navigate
to through the pages which don't use the session
information and my site is protected by forms
This is very frustrating.
Please help.
Don't respond if you don't know what you are talking about.
Billy Jacobs.