I do alot of training and set up training files, now most of the time these haave to be copied locally to every machine...which before hand i have done manually...when i suddenly thought "there must be an easier way" so i started looking and ive managed to patch this code togeter which does the job.....
but what i would like to do is make a nice flash front end for this and pass the source location and destinations to it....now im wondering how to do this...
this is where im upto now.
then calling the batch and passing the variables to it
xcopytraining.bat "\\server\support\3dsmax 9 essentials" "training1 training3 training7"
but this isnt working.....
please guys help me out
I do alot of training and set up training files, now most of the time these haave to be copied locally to every machine...which before hand i have done manually...when i suddenly thought "there must be an easier way" so i started looking and ive managed to patch this code togeter which does the job.....
[left]@echo off & setlocal[/left]
set FN="\\server\support\3dsmax 9 essentials"
for %%c in ("\\training1\desktop-training\3DMax 9 Esentials" [url="file://\training2desktop-training3DMax 9 Esentials"]\\training2\desktop-training\3DMax 9 Esentials[/url]
[url="file://\training3desktop-training3DMax 9 Esentials"]\\training3\desktop-training\3DMax 9 Esentials[/url]
"\\training4\desktop-training\3DMax 9 Esentials") do xcopy %FN% %%c /s /e /i /y /exclude:exclude.txt /w
but what i would like to do is make a nice flash front end for this and pass the source location and destinations to it....now im wondering how to do this...
this is where im upto now.
@echo off & setlocal
set FN="%1"
for %%c in ("\\%2\desktop-training\3DMax 9 Esentials") do xcopy %FN% %%c /s /e /i /y /exclude:exclude.txt /w
if %1 =="" goto loop
then calling the batch and passing the variables to it
xcopytraining.bat "\\server\support\3dsmax 9 essentials" "training1 training3 training7"
but this isnt working.....
please guys help me out