I have a table with the following columns class1 class2 class3 class4 etc I
want to set up a loop so I can check each column to see if it's greater than
0. I thought about creating a ver with Class and then add the number to the
end then just add 1 to the number for each loop. The problem is the ver is
showing as a string "class1" and will not reflect the column in the table.
This is new to me so I hope someone has a simple answer to this. Thanks for
your help
want to set up a loop so I can check each column to see if it's greater than
0. I thought about creating a ver with Class and then add the number to the
end then just add 1 to the number for each loop. The problem is the ver is
showing as a string "class1" and will not reflect the column in the table.
This is new to me so I hope someone has a simple answer to this. Thanks for
your help