Hey All,
Does anyone know how to do the following in C#? I've tried using the
"GetType().ToString()" method and it only returns "System._COMObject".
' The objOutlookItem is of type object because the selection object
' may contain multiple types of items (i.e. AppointmentItem, MailItem,
For Each objOutlookItem In g_objThisAddIn.OutlookExplorer.Selection
Select Case TypeName(objOutlookItem)
Case g_constrMAIL_ITEM
' Do something
Case g_constrCONTACT_ITEM
' Do something
End Select
Next objOutlookItem
Thanks in advance.
Does anyone know how to do the following in C#? I've tried using the
"GetType().ToString()" method and it only returns "System._COMObject".
' The objOutlookItem is of type object because the selection object
' may contain multiple types of items (i.e. AppointmentItem, MailItem,
For Each objOutlookItem In g_objThisAddIn.OutlookExplorer.Selection
Select Case TypeName(objOutlookItem)
Case g_constrMAIL_ITEM
' Do something
Case g_constrCONTACT_ITEM
' Do something
End Select
Next objOutlookItem
Thanks in advance.