Charles < wrote
Ok next suggestion. Create a Userform to open selected files.
On file 4 create a CommandButton to start the Userform.
I already have a custom menu loading when I start Excel that contains
entries for the individual files, so that wouldn't add to my present
capability. What I want to do is add a 4th entry to that menu that will
open a file that loads the other 3 sequentially. Interesting idea, though.
With this you need to set your Done button to show the Userform again
after the Save, Close. The code is
I don't think a line would execute after the file was closed.
Have the Userform with OptionButtons and 2 CommandButtons. The
following sample is something you can work with.
You've put a lot of effort into trying to come up with a solution for me
and I appreciate it. Your suggestion would indeed work for what it is, but
again, it doesn't do anything beyond my present menu system.
I guess there is no batch method available to do what I want:
1) open file 1 for data entry
2) wait for user to save & close
3) open file 2 for data entry
4) wait for user to save & close
5) open file 3 for data entry
I would add this file to the top of my existing menu to process the files
in succession, or I could elect to open the files individually from the
other single menu entries.
If our systems were more powerful (more memory & faster processors), I
would write code that would just open all three at once and allow the user
operate on them. Sadly, the head organization is cheap, and such a method
would be constantly writing to the page file.