
  • Thread starter Thread starter RichardO
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Hello All:

I have a lookup problem, I hope you can help.

I would like to lookup cells in a column in sheet 1 in a range in shee
2, if they don't match exactly, I want it to return the contents of th
cell reference in sheet 2, if they match, it should show a blank cell.

I started if off as follows, but I was getting a N/A:


Thanks a lot.

try something like
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(E2,MBAN,13,0)),value for non matches,"")
Not sure what you mean with 'I want it to return the contents of the
cell reference in sheet 2
Thanks Frank, I just thought about my post again and it doens't make an
sense to at all! So, I am re-posting my question:

I have 2 columns I want to lookup in sheet 1 against another 2 column
in sheet 2. In sheet 1, the first column is truncated to the last
figures of the 2nd column, same for sheet 2. If column1 in sheet 1 i
found in column 1 of sheet2, and column 2 in sheet 1 is same as colum
2 in sheet2, then it should return "". If column 1 of sheet 1 is sam
as column 1 of sheet, but the columns2 are different, it should giv
me the value of column 2 in sheet 2.

I hope you can help me out.

Thanks a lot.

=IF(ISNA(MATCH(A1,'sheet2'!A1:A1000,0)),"no match for column