In a workbook, I have one worksheet to input the current month result of each region for each category:
Jan-04 Employment cost Milan 100
Jan-04 Rent Milan 20
Jan-04 Income Milan 50
Jan-04 Income Paris 200
Jan-04 Employment cost Paris 30
....... more items....
Then in another worksheet, I have to prepare an analysis (current month) for each region:
Jan-04 Milan Paris
Income 50 200
Employment cost -100 -30
Rent -20
Subtotal -70 170
Then in another worksheet, I have to prepare an analysis (YTD) for each region:
YTD Jan-04 Milan Paris
Income 50 200
Employment cost -100 -30
Rent -20
Subtotal -70 170
Then in another worksheet, I have to prepare an analysis for the region for each month:
Milan Jan-04 Feb-04 YTD
Income 50
Employment cost -100
Rent -70
So what the effective fomula than I can use so that i can just input in one worksheet and then automatically updated / linked to other worksheet?
Thanks and regards