Okay, I have a list of lastnames (no duplications of lastname) of 60
persons and there is a dollar amount associated with each persons name
(representing their contribution). Now on another sheet, I have a
list of 200 persons lastnames (no duplications here either).
Now what I would like is to have excel go thru the list of 200 persons
names and place the dollar amount next to each persons name (ONLY IF
THEY ARE ON THE LIST OF 60 NAMES), otherwise, just put not applicable
How do I do this?
persons and there is a dollar amount associated with each persons name
(representing their contribution). Now on another sheet, I have a
list of 200 persons lastnames (no duplications here either).
Now what I would like is to have excel go thru the list of 200 persons
names and place the dollar amount next to each persons name (ONLY IF
THEY ARE ON THE LIST OF 60 NAMES), otherwise, just put not applicable
How do I do this?