lookup multiple search criteria but only return a value if both tr



is there a way to lookup multiple criteria but only return the value if both
criteria true?

i.e., column a find "bilingual" column b find "miami" return value found in
column c?

John C


Hope this helps.
Note: If there are multiple occurances of bilingual miami, then the values
in C will be added together.


it does help for one of my situations...thank you very much.

however, i also have a situation where bilingual is in a string of words...

i.e., Home Solutions Specialists Bilingual

is there a way for it to just find the word bilingual within a string of
words in column a & then find miami in column b & return the value from
column c? or am i wishing for the stars?

John C


Hope this helps.


It worked! OMG...you have NO idea how much time this is going to save
me...thank you, thank you, thank you!


definitely :)

new issue...now i need to be able to bring back the value of all those that
do NOT contain bilingual in column a...same exact set up...is that doable?

John C

Assuming you are still wanting the Miami match, but the total that don't have
bilingual somewhere, just remove the NOT from you statement given earlier.


you are a genius...saved my life...again!

John C said:
Assuming you are still wanting the Miami match, but the total that don't have
bilingual somewhere, just remove the NOT from you statement given earlier.

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