Lookup function help please

  • Thread starter Thread starter Colette
  • Start date Start date


I'm trying to use the following LookUp function but it keeps on coming up as
#N/A for option 1 but seems to work for 2,3 and 4, can someone tell me where
I'm going wrong


The AU17 cell has the following formula in it, and it works - this is for VAT
=IF(VC1="U","1", IF(VC1="Z",2,IF(VC1="E",3, IF(VC1="P",4,))))

Many Thanks for your help
Remove the quotations marks around the 1 in AU17's formula:
=IF(VC1="U",1, IF(VC1="Z",2,IF(VC1="E",3, IF(VC1="P",4,))))
Remove all the quotes from around any numbers.
=IF(VC1="U","1", IF(VC1="Z",2,IF(VC1="E",3, IF(VC1="P",4,))))



Alternative to LOOKUP:

Your problem is the quote marks around the "1". Quotes make the cell text.
Without quotes it's a number, and you need a number in your Lookup
statement. So change AU17 to:
=IF(VC1="U",1,IF(VC1="Z",2,IF(VC1="E",3, IF(VC1="P",4,""))))
I also changed your last IF statement to return nothing ("") if the
condition is not met. Otherwise you would get FALSE.
The fact that there are spaces in the IF statement shown tells us you
manually typed the formula into your e-mail. This is fraught with error.
Always cut and paste your formula, to avoid typing errors.

Finally, it's very likely your Lookup formula should be:

Thanks again for all suggestions...I'd been tearing my hair out for something
that was 'staring me in the face'

Thanks Daryl S


Daryl S said:
Colette -

You had 1 being entered as text into AU17. Try this:

=IF(VC1="U",1, IF(VC1="Z",2,IF(VC1="E",3, IF(VC1="P",4,))))
Many Thanx Fred


Fred Smith said:
Your problem is the quote marks around the "1". Quotes make the cell text.
Without quotes it's a number, and you need a number in your Lookup
statement. So change AU17 to:
=IF(VC1="U",1,IF(VC1="Z",2,IF(VC1="E",3, IF(VC1="P",4,""))))
I also changed your last IF statement to return nothing ("") if the
condition is not met. Otherwise you would get FALSE.
The fact that there are spaces in the IF statement shown tells us you
manually typed the formula into your e-mail. This is fraught with error.
Always cut and paste your formula, to avoid typing errors.

Finally, it's very likely your Lookup formula should be:


Many Thanks Luke


Luke M said:
Remove the quotations marks around the 1 in AU17's formula:
=IF(VC1="U",1, IF(VC1="Z",2,IF(VC1="E",3, IF(VC1="P",4,))))

Best Regards,

Luke M

Many Thanks T. Valko


T. Valko said:
Remove all the quotes from around any numbers.


Alternative to LOOKUP:


Microsoft Excel MVP
