Lookup formula

  • Thread starter Thread starter tubeman
  • Start date Start date


Here's the explanation:

I have a cell with a part #, a cell with the date and a cell for what
would need the ship. I need to be able to have the ship cell get it
reference from another page, I need it to vertically lookup the part #
and if it finds it I need it to look in the next column for the dat
and if both match I need it to look in the next column for the quantit
and input that quantity in the ship cell or zero if there are n
matches found.

So to summarize I need to lookup up part# from other sheet, if matche
look in the column beside match and if date same enter quantity to shi
box if not keep looking if cannot find place a 0 there

I got this formula to do what you asked. I named the
database in the source sheet "data." Cell A2 was the part
#, B2 was the date. The reference to column 1 in "Data"
is part # 2 is date 3 is the quantity that you desire.

Hope this works for you. If not let me know.
try the following array formula (entered with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER)

where sheet 1 stores your data (col. A the part number and col. B the
date) and A1 the lookup part number and B1 the date to search.
I still can't get it to work. I have two sheets one called allparts+
which has all the parts that I order listed. Within that sheet I hav
one heading for the date which I freeze for all the parts. Beside eac
part I have beg. inventory, shipping requirements, receivin
requirements, and orders which I can manually enter as needed. M
formulae calculated beg. inv. - shipping requirements + receiving
orders which is calculated in a balance which is beneath all these
That balance then goes towards the next days beggining inventory. Wha
I need is this sheet to pull the demand and receiving which is what w
have to ship and receive from 2 other sheets so there are three sheet
all together. My first concern is to get the demand in. My second shee
which has my shipment requirements or demand (same) is calle
SHIPMENTENDMARCH25 and it has three headings part, date, quantity.
need a formulae in my shipping cell which searches down these column
vertically and finds the part for that particular date and places th
quantity for that part for that date in my shipping cell.

I know it sounds complicated, but beleive me it is.
Thanks for your help by the way
can you post (plain text please) some example rows of your data and
inidcate with this data what you're trying to achieve