Stan Plumber
I'm trying to do the following with this procedure:
1. In the current worksheet, starting at a specific row, cycle
through each each and match with a defined range in a lookup workbook
named "expttl". If the cell value is a match or "" then continue
until it finds a non match. When if finds a nonmatch return the
column value of cell.
2. I'm having difficulty with the Set RngA =
Workbooks("LookupWorkbook").Sheets("LookupWorsheet").Range line. Any
Function FindColumn() As Long
On Error GoTo Proc_Err
Dim fStart As Boolean
Dim lngHeader As Long
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strCell As String
Dim RngA As Range
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim res As Variant
fStart = False
lngX = 1
Do Until fStart = True
strCell = Cells(lngHeader, lngX).Value
'If cell is blank assign as date and is ignored
If strCell = "" Then
strCell = "Date"
End If
'Trim spaces on either slide
strCell = RTrim(LTrim(strCell))
'Reference the Export
Set RngA = Workbooks("LookupWorkbook").Sheets("LookupWorsheet").Range("LookupRange")
res = 0
res = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(strCell, RngA, 0)
If IsError(res) Then
fStart = True
FindVendorStart = lngX
Exit Function
End If
lngX = lngX + 1
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
Case 1004
FindVendorStart = lngX
Case Else
Debug.Print Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Select
Resume Proc_Exit
End Function
1. In the current worksheet, starting at a specific row, cycle
through each each and match with a defined range in a lookup workbook
named "expttl". If the cell value is a match or "" then continue
until it finds a non match. When if finds a nonmatch return the
column value of cell.
2. I'm having difficulty with the Set RngA =
Workbooks("LookupWorkbook").Sheets("LookupWorsheet").Range line. Any
Function FindColumn() As Long
On Error GoTo Proc_Err
Dim fStart As Boolean
Dim lngHeader As Long
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strCell As String
Dim RngA As Range
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim res As Variant
fStart = False
lngX = 1
Do Until fStart = True
strCell = Cells(lngHeader, lngX).Value
'If cell is blank assign as date and is ignored
If strCell = "" Then
strCell = "Date"
End If
'Trim spaces on either slide
strCell = RTrim(LTrim(strCell))
'Reference the Export
Set RngA = Workbooks("LookupWorkbook").Sheets("LookupWorsheet").Range("LookupRange")
res = 0
res = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(strCell, RngA, 0)
If IsError(res) Then
fStart = True
FindVendorStart = lngX
Exit Function
End If
lngX = lngX + 1
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
Case 1004
FindVendorStart = lngX
Case Else
Debug.Print Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Select
Resume Proc_Exit
End Function