George Hester
At least in my test of >= 2000. POP3 accounts.
Here's the reproducible bug.
Make a rule so that if "http" is in the body of the message when e-mail is RECEIVED "on this machine only" the message will be moved to a folder you have made called temp.
This sets up the bug.
The bug is that rules that are set to ONLY apply against RECEIVED messages apply to ALL messages whether received or sent.
So here's the test.
Make a new message and send it to yourself. In the body of the e-mail put this and ONLY this:
Now send this to yourself. When you receive this e-mail if the rule WORKS the message should be received into the temp folder. Now open this message and reply. Make sure the original e-mail is included in the reply. Send it.
Now the email will NOT be sent and in fact you will see it bounce into the temp folder.
That's the bug.. Tested in Outlook 2000 and Outlook 2003.
Here's the reproducible bug.
Make a rule so that if "http" is in the body of the message when e-mail is RECEIVED "on this machine only" the message will be moved to a folder you have made called temp.
This sets up the bug.
The bug is that rules that are set to ONLY apply against RECEIVED messages apply to ALL messages whether received or sent.
So here's the test.
Make a new message and send it to yourself. In the body of the e-mail put this and ONLY this:
Now send this to yourself. When you receive this e-mail if the rule WORKS the message should be received into the temp folder. Now open this message and reply. Make sure the original e-mail is included in the reply. Send it.
Now the email will NOT be sent and in fact you will see it bounce into the temp folder.
That's the bug.. Tested in Outlook 2000 and Outlook 2003.