Looks Like Total Uninstall is Going Shareware

  • Thread starter Thread starter BobbytheBrain
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From DSLReports' Forum:



I hope till the Christmas the new major version will be released (It
is in testing phase).
This version will be shareware.
There is a completely new written version that will allow adding of
many features that were not possible in the Total Uninstall 2.xx
versions. The scanning speed is increased, almost twice fast than
There will not be many new features in the first release but many are
planned in the coming versions. Also, the project will be active.

Gavrila Martau.
BobbytheBrain said:

Wretched news. :(

There are no satisfactory freeware alternatives for the role TUN fulfills.
The LFW 2x of TUN, I suppose it will serve, but I am disappointed that the
various improvements it needs would only be addressed in payware releases.

Are there any good alternatives to Total Uninstall or is this the best
there is?

BobbytheBrain said:

Wretched news. :(

There are no satisfactory freeware alternatives for the
role TUN fulfills. The LFW 2x of TUN, I suppose it will
... but I am disappointed that the various improvements
it needs would only be addressed in payware releases.

Unfortunatly that seems to be a common penomenon. I have
used TUN, but found that it takes too much time to be useful.
Instead I use a combination of RegScrubXP and CrapCleaner.
(use the remove utililty of CC to uninstall apps..)


CrapCleaner: http://www.ccleaner.com/

Hope this helps.


e-mail: khaledihREMOVEUPPERCASELETTERS at fusemail dot net
(correcting antispam crap..)
please start your subject line with the string "==NG=="
Ronnie Davis said:
Are there any good alternatives to Total Uninstall or is this the best
there is?

There is the method of taking a snapshot with Regshot (or $Inctrl etc),
and then using UndoReg for newly added keys. That type of pairing is
frequently quite useful, but does not serve well for a complete uninstall

This since it does not address the matter of added values within existing
subkeys or changed values. Nor, if using Regshot, the files added to shared
directories such as the sysdir.

There is also InstallWatch, but it has no ignore lists for registry keys,
and it can often involve a lot of extra work to utilize its reports for
uninstall purposes.

Really, I am convinced there is no good freeware substitute to serve that
role which is fulfilled by TUN.

As to limitations with current/last freeware incarnation of TUN. One of
those is that there is a limit on how much it can handle for a particular
log to perform an install. When I've used TUN on VB prog installs which
bundle some excess amount of OCXs, then writing many hundreds of keys to
HKCR, then TUN cannot cope, and crashes during trying to use if for the
uninstall. I have to do a very tedious workaround of running the uninstall
in pieces, marking ignore on different groups of keys in turn, to keep
things under the ceiling for how much TUN can process per each round of

Another limitation involves TUN's ignore lists. In the interface, very
difficult to read. And stored binary, in the registry. These should be
plaintext external files, to make them easy to view, and toggle.

TUN still is an excellent, and extremely valuable, piece of freeware.
But it's very disappointing to learn that its freeware evolution has been
Nor, if using Regshot, the files added to shared directories such as the sysdir.

Oops!! Inaccuracy there. Regshot will indeed monitor user-selected
directories. Then ChckCrtl can be used to make a batch for removal
of files.

However, still not addressed well by use of this alternatives to TUN,
it's when a program or installer caused a mess of changed values under
pre-existing keys.

It's also just generally less automated & GUI for an uninstall system,
(requiring major geek factor).
Oops!! Inaccuracy there. Regshot will indeed monitor user-selected
directories. Then ChckCrtl can be used to make a batch for removal
of files.

These work pretty nicely together for a single install:

However, still not addressed well by use of this alternatives to TUN,
it's when a program or installer caused a mess of changed values under
pre-existing keys.

RegShot can back up the entire registry before an install. I tried
these before adding them for download, but that was quite awhile back
and I don't remember much about them.

There is still the problem of monitoring multiple program installs.
TUN uses a primitive counter system to determine when to delete a
shared file that multiple programs have installed.
It's also just generally less automated & GUI for an uninstall system,
(requiring major geek factor).

Yes, it's fairly crude. It counts on program uninstalls to delete
files too. Maybe someone will find these useful though. I'll get a
copy of TUN up asap.
Unfortunatly that seems to be a common penomenon. I have
used TUN, but found that it takes too much time to be useful.
Instead I use a combination of RegScrubXP and CrapCleaner.
(use the remove utililty of CC to uninstall apps..)

CrapCleaner: http://www.ccleaner.com/

NOTE: Requires .NET framework.

I've seen many people who distrust MS to the point they will not
install the package. I've got it and I'm getting each of the programs
to try out. Thanks for the link KHaled!

This appears to be the same author who wrote DrvImagerXP, which does
not require the framework. I don't see any mention of it though. This
program works great, but the contact email and homepage disappeared
awhile back... maybe he went with a new .NET program, Lexun Backup
Oops!! Inaccuracy there. Regshot will indeed monitor
user-selected directories. Then ChckCrtl can be used to
make a batch for removal of files.

Aiight, you've done it to me again!
I've GooGooed "ChckCrtl" and found nothing.
Heeelp, please. :)

As far as M$ goes I found an MSI installer clean-up.
I've not seen mentioned: msicuu2.exe
Course that's MSI install files only.
REM said:
These work pretty nicely together for a single install:


Undoreg succeeds flawlessly for newly added keys. I use its GUI
version for instant removal of the newly-added keys it reads from
the logs it is handed. (I also routinely use its cmdline version to
provide me undo.reg files. Those undo.reg are systematically re-used
on my config, automated, for those programs which I run as guests.)

As to ChckCTrl5, it is fully reliable for one thing alone. Creation
of a batch for removal of the newly-added files read in the log.


On its other functions, it is significantly unreliable. At least when it
reads Inctrl logs, which is what I've tested it on; but I believe it would
make no difference if it were Regshot logs. It too often fails to remove
keys. Especially those with numeric tails, but there were several other
types of patterns in its failure too, AFAIR.

It's too bad that it does not succeed in all things it is designed to
do, since they were desirable goals. For instance, it makes an attempt
to work with the situation of added and changed values under pre-existing
keys. It also specifically makes its undo reg file for only those keys
which it spots currently in the registry, as opposed to the full works
of all it is reading in the log, that which could perhaps be useful info,
if it were successfully implemented, (and ideally if it were an optional
mode). As well, it also attempts to try to help out with creating a text
file to let user know which lines in certain files to change back (in
autoexec and system.ini etc).

Regshot was trying to develop some, from last I looked. The latest version
had something going on to do with undo functionality. It was wholly failed
in implementation, when I looked, though. I'd have to spend time on back-
reviewing my test notes, or rerunning, if required to expound on this.
But my conclusion was essentially this: while not successful yet in its
newer objectives, it is encouraging that they are working that direction.
Regshot is also opens source, and there are at least two people, maybe
more, focussed on its evolution.
RegShot can back up the entire registry before an install. I tried
these before adding them for download, but that was quite awhile back
and I don't remember much about them.

I don't have memory on that part, would have to investigate....

For me, if an installer has gone really bad, where it's too messy for
taking care of via just my first line of defense (inctrl+undoreg), then
I have other programs that take care of it. I always have a TUN pre-snapshot
hanging in the background. Frequently same deal with Installwatch. (You
can tell that I am a little obsessive in this area. <g>) And as last resort,
I can revert to a full backup of my registry from 9x's scanregw operation.

The main thing people are after I think, it is not to so much to be able
to get out of a known bad install right after it's done, where they then
tend to use their OS backup functionality (scanregw for 9x'ers or system
restore for other), it is instead the matter of being able to do a decent
uninstall much later in time...

I'll get a copy of TUN up asap.

I suppose it might be likely enough that the author will remove the LFW
of TUN from his site upon release of the shareware one. It would be a
good thing were you to house TUN at woundedmoon.org... As well, for
increasing awareness for those who don't know about its availability.
My Name said:
Aiight, you've done it to me again!
I've GooGooed "ChckCrtl" and found nothing.
Heeelp, please. :)

Very sorry! I failed to realize at the time of post that Google has zero
listings (and even groups.google might not have turn out anything, since
I'd used name ChckCrtl instead ChckCrtl5). I wasn't deliberately trying
to torture anyone with make-believe refs.

Here is the topsekrit site:

http://members.tripod.com/~randy_hall/chkctrl5.zip (600k)

Just a re-note. It's only good for the file removal batch, and not reliable
(very incomplete) for registry undos. I would much desire that its author
would pick the project back up and better implement all of its objectives,
but it appears to have gone into permanent slumber since the date Oct 2003.
My Name said:
Aiight, you've done it to me again!
I've GooGooed "ChckCrtl" and found nothing.
Heeelp, please. :)

Speaking of GooGoo not having things... I went on a major hunt earlier
this year for the v153 of Regshot, the one with the realtime reg
monitoring function. It was nowhere at all to be found....

I'd lost it soon after obtaining it from you, during my HDD disk
crash last year, where there were a couple of directories that got
fried and for which I'd not had backups those weeks.

Any chance I could beg you to upload it again? I don't have abf access;
I'd be one happy camper if I could talk you into uploading to webspace
temporarily, even just for an hour or day ?

Promise I won't lose it again....
NOTE: Requires .NET framework.

I do not have .NET installed, and I have both programs
installed and in frequent use.

As to trusting M$$$, seems that if you are a win* user then
you don't have much of a choice.. A previous post to this
group was for a package called Mono, which is a .NET
replacement (I think, not tried it though.. maybe you could
give it a go and let us know ??).

Mono:: http://www.mono-project.com


e-mail: khaledihREMOVEUPPERCASELETTERS at fusemail dot net
(correcting antispam crap..)
please start your subject line with the string "==NG=="
Speaking of GooGoo not having things... I went on a major
hunt earlier this year for the v153 of Regshot, the one
with the realtime reg monitoring function. It was nowhere
at all to be found....

I'd lost it soon after obtaining it from you, during my HDD
disk crash last year, where there were a couple of
directories that got fried and for which I'd not had
backups those weeks.

Any chance I could beg you to upload it again? I don't have
abf access; I'd be one happy camper if I could talk you
into uploading to webspace temporarily, even just for an
hour or day ?

Promise I won't lose it again....

No Problem,
Hope you don't mind if I just zip/rar the one I'm using.
Otherwise, to find the orig. I have to search through a lot of
DVD/CDs manually as I've never gotten around to getting entirely
organized. Whats on what, where? I actually have a program to do
this somewhere named something! :) Here's RegShot:
Very sorry! I failed to realize at the time of post that
Google has zero listings (and even groups.google might not
have turn out anything, since I'd used name ChckCrtl
instead ChckCrtl5). I wasn't deliberately trying to torture
anyone with make-believe refs.

Tanks, figured it twas but a mere oversight. :)
Here is the topsekrit site:


Just a re-note. It's only good for the file removal batch,
and not reliable (very incomplete) for registry undos. I
would much desire that its author would pick the project
back up and better implement all of its objectives, but it
appears to have gone into permanent slumber since the date
Oct 2003.

Oooh, I'm there now savoring the goody.
I do not have .NET installed, and I have both programs
installed and in frequent use.

Strange. Yet very nice!
As to trusting M$$$, seems that if you are a win* user then
you don't have much of a choice.. A previous post to this
group was for a package called Mono, which is a .NET
replacement (I think, not tried it though.. maybe you could
give it a go and let us know ??).

I'm reading about it now. I'll have to wait until tomorrow for a high
speed connection to snag it.

It looks to be a great cross-platform environment! Very nice!
KHaled said:
I do not have .NET installed, and I have both programs
installed and in frequent use.


What version of Windows are you running?

omega said:
Really, I am convinced there is no good freeware substitute to serve
that role which is fulfilled by TUN.

Me too.
As to limitations with current/last freeware incarnation of TUN. One
of those is that there is a limit on how much it can handle for a
particular log to perform an install. When I've used TUN on VB prog
installs which bundle some excess amount of OCXs, then writing many
hundreds of keys to HKCR, then TUN cannot cope, and crashes during
trying to use if for the uninstall.

What size *.tun seems to be the limit for you? I have one for NASA's
Worldwind that is 2,439 KB and TotalUninstall handles that OK. Only one
larger is for DOTNET...3,193 KB, haven't tried dumping it.


dadiOH's dandies v3.05...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at http://mysite.verizon.net/xico
My Name said:
omega said:
Speaking of GooGoo not having things... I went on a major
hunt earlier this year for the v153 of Regshot, the one
with the realtime reg monitoring function. It was nowhere
at all to be found....

No Problem,
Hope you don't mind if I just zip/rar the one I'm using.

Ah, would in fact really prefer that, over an installer form.
Otherwise, to find the orig. I have to search through a lot of
DVD/CDs manually as I've never gotten around to getting entirely
organized. Whats on what, where? I actually have a program to do
this somewhere named something! :)

Yep, I bet most of us here have a bunch of organizer programs,
off peacefully sleeping under some tree... :)

Got it! (Holding it tight. Making five copies.) Thank you!