LOOKING UP HOSTNAME takes forever ..................

  • Thread starter Thread starter David_nj_7
  • Start date Start date


I have a standard DIAL-UP connection and of course I am looking for
anything that will somehow speed up the browsing experience.

Many times I will go to one of my favorites and often, after I click on
one of these favorites it will say .... ie LOOKING UP GOOGLE or
LOOKING UP CNN.COm or whatever.... Sometimes, this can last anywhere
from 10 to 15 seconds. Once it "finds" the site... it loads in fairly

Is there a way to avoid this LOOKING UP" process? Perhaps if I saved
the IP addy as a favorite instead of the regular address. And...
since I go to these sites all the time why does there even have to be a
LOOKING UP process at all?

I remember some suggested in one of the forums awhile back a way to
either get around this or even avoid this process that can really slow
down the already slow dial-up experience.

Any ideas or suggestions?


Hi David,

I think you are thinking of the hosts file. You can bypass the lookup rocess
by specifying the IP address for a domain name.

More info at http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hostsfaq.htm

However, I would be very careful with that. Suppose that one day the IP
address for one of those sites changes. Are you sure that you will think of
the hosts file on that moment?

Kind regards

Hans Le Roy
MS MVP Windows/IE