Looking to learn, advise required

Jan 7, 2008
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Hey guys I've just left college due to personal reasons, how fun and all we learnt were applications such as excel and the like.
Come to think of it everything involved excel, anyway now that I have left I'm looking obviously to go into the ICT industry and considering theres a lack of free online classes I'm curious what the most common languages are.

I havn't even learnt visual basic so im eager to learn that before pressing on but from everything I read it's too complicated. Tutorials are fine and I've had a little practice in notepad at the odd thing but the complication is pretty high and I havn't found a big enough set route to learning, not to mention I don't know whether there is any software with a built in tutorial.

Either way I'm hoping to run my own website soon, it will be a forum, but with that in mind the controls I would like to be similar to this one and I have no idea how to go about it.
The software, hosts, everything so any knowledge from anybody on the previous 2 complaints, which are pretty open really,
Please feel free to give me a hand.

Looking forward to hearing from you. Tom
spartan360 said:
I'm looking obviously to go into the ICT industry
If you want to be an IT Techie then the route would be A+, Network+ &/or CCNA.
If you want to write programs then C, C+ or Visual Basic are often taught by local Colleges.