Looking to add three options to the context menu of Microsoft Network Computers

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nathaniel
  • Start date Start date


***Orginally posted in MS.pub.s.remote, moved here to see if the answer
exists or is possible***

I'm looking to add three options:
Remote Registry
Computer Management
Remote Desktop

Into the context menu of the network icons that represent the servers and
workstations around the office. I've read about doing the following:

(Remote Desktop example)
Under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Network\Type\2 make a shell key then one called
Remote Desktop under that and changed the default value to &Remote Desktop
(the & places it near the top of the menu with the rest of the options)
Then another key called Command under the Remote Desktop key then change its
default to "mstsc.exe /console /v:" "%1" (I'm not sure if it's %1 or %L,
different sites list each one as the object that was right clicked on).

When I try and run this it launches the RD screen but doesn't fill in the
computer name. It should be automaticly prompting me to log into the server
but its not.

The other commandline for compmgmt.msc is: "mmc.exe
%systemroot%\system32\compmgmt.msc /computer=servername" How would I place
that into the registry?
Have you tried with "%L". The %L option supposedly is to pass the Context
Menu's item (the item you right clicked on) as a long pathname to the