Looking information about js.OpenExtLink

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jack
  • Start date Start date


There are 9470 successful Google search results: keyword OpenExtLink.
All of them return html code of messages which contain the reference to
similar to the example shown below:

onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)"

Interestingly, there is not any information about OpenExtLink on MSDN

Any comments appreciated,
Java has nothing to do with this, perhaps you meant javascript.

OE has nothing to do with this, so you posted to the wrong NGs.

It also has nothing to do with Front Page.

Did you read any of the 9470 results, or just get a number so you could post
it here?

If you want information on that topic, I suggest you read those links.

I did not use "javascript" word in my post on purpose.
onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)"
may suggest that js. is a javascript I would not be so sure about it.
If it was *.js then I would say it is.
In this case it is something, which I do not understand, and looking for
help to understand.
All Google search results (keyword: js.OpenExtLink) are email messages shown
as source.
More interesting is that the attempts to reverse them to the normal view
fail, which create more questions.

On what basis you are stating that it has nothing to do with OE?
People like you, should not be allowed to become MVP in the first place.
Why are you bringing your grudge from another thread into this one?
Get lost!
I despise boneheads like you.
Jack said:
I did not use "javascript" word in my post on purpose.
onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)"
may suggest that js. is a javascript I would not be so sure about it.
If it was *.js then I would say it is.
In this case it is something, which I do not understand, and looking for
help to understand.

You clearly don't understand, and your method of seeking help is less than
useful to you or anyone.

You won't get anymore from me.

