Looking for suggestions on how to approach this...

  • Thread starter Thread starter BruceJ
  • Start date Start date


I am in sales and want to follow up on leads. I have posted several times
requests but I have not recieved any suggestions. I am trying to make it
more clear.

The best time to reach them is:
First choice: 7-8:59 PM local

Second Choice: 1-3:59 PM local

Third Choice: 9-10:59 AM local

Forth Choice 4-6:59 PM local

Fifth Choice 11AM -12:59 PM Local

I have several columns that have time when I called then (lets use K,O,S)
and then results of when I called them (J,N,R) and the DATE I called them

I have a column that has the TIMEZONE (lets call this G)

here is the basic flow of what I want:

I am getting confused as to how to flow this out. So here is a description
of what I am trying to do:

Currently, I try to make 3 calls (sometimes more are needed, and I put the
last call info into the K,O,S in rotation. If I need to make more than 3,
then I go BACK and us K then O and then S for then other calls.) So USUALLY,
the order is sequential, but not always. I might only have one filled in, or
there might be more. If they all were in ORDER, then my flow would not be
too bad. What I had tried was turning in to true spaghetti code, and it was
not always giving me the correct info.

The results can be one of about 10 different things, but if I make a
contact, it will have "LIVE" or "APPOINT" in the results. If I make contact,
then the time I made contact should be good for the next contact time.

If I DO not make conct, then I would like to put the next contact to the
BEST TIME as described above, that I have NOT tried to call yet.


I get a lead at 10 am and call, but get no answer. I would want my next flag
set for the first choice (7-9)

If I call them back, and still no answer, then my NEXT call attempt would be

If I still need to call them back, it should be 4-7 (I had already tried at

then the next time it would be 11-1

The first call could be any time, but I would like my NEXT call be be placed
for the BEST time to try to reach them.

Currently, the times are recorded in MY time (I am debating whether to put
thin into THEIR time)

I am feeling I need to put in a helper column or two that will have the
attempted time_blocks used and then another for the
NEXT_SUGGESTED_TIME_Block. but right now I do NOT have these in.

I am looking for suggestions on how I should approach this. Should I change
any thing about the columns I am using? I am thinking about adding more for
more calls, but those would have to go past CB, so they would be spread way
apart. I was also thinking about "archiving" when there were more than 3
calls, combining the first call info, append it to NOTES and then move each
of the others up. But this would make it hard to test for those dates I have
archived. So I THINK I need to add more columns, but I am not sure how many.

I also have 2 columns for the BESTTIMEMin and BESTTIMEMax so that if I have
been given a timeframe to call, I have it here.

Any other ideas?

What would be a go flow for doing the programming to figure out the NEXT

I HOPE this is clear.


But I do have get a lot of leads with phone only. All of my leads have
requested info about a our products, and just trying to get hold of them as
efficiently as possible..

It would be very similair to what a telemarketer would do as far as the
calling and tracking portions are concerned.


Take a look at his web site: "connecting4income.com"

Jim Cone
San Francisco, CA
Don Guillett said:
Are you in telemarketing?
Don Guillett
SalesAid Software

- snip -
how can I see if a number is between multiple sets of numbers? say A = 13

I would imagine it would be something like... but I can not find the right
if a >= 1 or a =< 5
'this should be true if the number was 1-5
elseif a =< 10
'this should be true if the number was 5.xxxxx and 10
elseif a =< 15
'this should be true if the number was 10.xxxxx and 15 <this should be the
one that it returns
