ken said:
I must say though i have trouble trying to purchase any thing from this
crowd. you get to the final purchase box and the web page goes wrong.
Who are you talking to? What did they say?
This is a usenet discussion group, not a message board on a website.
Please follow the generally-accepted usenet convention of quoting at
Least part of whatever message you're replying to.
Newsgroup propagation being what it is, some folks will see your response
before they see the post on which you're commenting.
Others, in fact, may NEVER see the original post or didn't bother reading
Another problem is that given the way threads drift, a subject line
may have little or nothing to do with what the current discussion involves.
When you fail to cite a bit of the original message, your own
comments just hang out in the air, connected to nothing and making little
or no sense.
If you are posting through google-groups, you can quote properly by using
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