I'm looking for an Access template for tracking publication submissions from
authors/scholars. Types of data would be: information about the submission
(title, length, format, authorship, etc.); information about the potential
publisher (journal name, contact info, formatting preferences, etc.); dates
and response information (accept/reject/revise (what revisions). Since each
publication might have multiple submissions before an acceptance, the
database would have to associate each pub with multiple journals/publishers
until an acceptance. The interoperability of Access could also be used to
spit the contact info into form cover letters to go with submissions.
authors/scholars. Types of data would be: information about the submission
(title, length, format, authorship, etc.); information about the potential
publisher (journal name, contact info, formatting preferences, etc.); dates
and response information (accept/reject/revise (what revisions). Since each
publication might have multiple submissions before an acceptance, the
database would have to associate each pub with multiple journals/publishers
until an acceptance. The interoperability of Access could also be used to
spit the contact info into form cover letters to go with submissions.