If you want legally reliable boundaries, that will not be possible.
For GPS software to do that, it would need to have an ideal database of
the exact, correct locations of all possible corners. Unfortunately,
actual property boundaries may be variously defined, there may or may not
be unresolved conflicts, and there is no assurance that corners determined
from maps are accurate according to local legal standards.
However, if you simply want a general approximation for
reconnoitering the land, and the corners are defined by section/township
or other lines shown on USGS topographic maps, you can go to
www.topozone.com on the Web, and locate the corners as closely as
you can on the quadrangle for that area. The site has an option to show
coordinates of points that you mouse-click. This can also be done in the
National Geographic Topo! program (which, however, is not freeware).