I was VERY blessed with a Christmas gift of visual studio .net from a
man I hardly know who had heard of my plans of software developement.
So I am probably the only person in the world who actualy has this
great IDE and don't even know vb.net (or c sharp etc.).
I have some prior exposure to simple scripting language such as
javascript and I understand data types etc. (basic programming
concepts and procedures) but I don't have any high level languages
under my belt at all.
I am posting hopeing someone can help me find good info on the subject
of visual basic .net. I have found allot of good stuff in the msdn
library wich is a great resource but more of a reference than a guide
or tutorial. I also have downloaded and nearly completed the windows
programming section of Microsoft's Visual Studio .net Resource Kit
wich is also a great resource but is geared more toward learning the
IDE than the codeing.
I have searched for guides and tutorials on vb.net and can't find
anything (found allot of advertiseing books and pay courses wich i
can't afford)
There are however allot of good guides on vb6 but I have read that
there are allot of changes between vb6 and .net so I realy don't feal
like it would be good to learn 6 just to have to learn the changes and
further confuse myself (someone who confuses easily
If anyone can point me to a good vb .net course (free) that focuses on
the language and actual code as aposed to the IDE I would greatly
apriciate it.
Or even a list of the most common classes etc and some examples would
be great, I have msdn installed wich of course lists all classes but
WOW there are allot and they aren't organized in a "commonly used"
scheme so I have just been reading through them and trying to decide
for myself wich are worth beating into my memory and playing with
creating simple programs useing them.
Thank You,
I was VERY blessed with a Christmas gift of visual studio .net from a
man I hardly know who had heard of my plans of software developement.
So I am probably the only person in the world who actualy has this
great IDE and don't even know vb.net (or c sharp etc.).
I have some prior exposure to simple scripting language such as
javascript and I understand data types etc. (basic programming
concepts and procedures) but I don't have any high level languages
under my belt at all.
I am posting hopeing someone can help me find good info on the subject
of visual basic .net. I have found allot of good stuff in the msdn
library wich is a great resource but more of a reference than a guide
or tutorial. I also have downloaded and nearly completed the windows
programming section of Microsoft's Visual Studio .net Resource Kit
wich is also a great resource but is geared more toward learning the
IDE than the codeing.
I have searched for guides and tutorials on vb.net and can't find
anything (found allot of advertiseing books and pay courses wich i
can't afford)
There are however allot of good guides on vb6 but I have read that
there are allot of changes between vb6 and .net so I realy don't feal
like it would be good to learn 6 just to have to learn the changes and
further confuse myself (someone who confuses easily

If anyone can point me to a good vb .net course (free) that focuses on
the language and actual code as aposed to the IDE I would greatly
apriciate it.
Or even a list of the most common classes etc and some examples would
be great, I have msdn installed wich of course lists all classes but
WOW there are allot and they aren't organized in a "commonly used"
scheme so I have just been reading through them and trying to decide
for myself wich are worth beating into my memory and playing with
creating simple programs useing them.
Thank You,