Try these, I've purchased from all of them w/o problems: Tigerdirect (Florida) Thomson computer warehouse (florida, good shipping
prices) (good outfit, but limited selection, Illinois)
Best regards,
| Ghostrider,
| Your point is well taken. There is a big difference, however,
between tax
| avoidance and tax evasion -- the former is illegal and the latter
isn't. I
| am neither a "tax dodger" nor a "non-payer."
| I certainly didn't mean to open up any can of worms with my post, so
| about we all drop it and I'll do my own online research and decide
where to
| shop.
| John
| | >
| > John Blaustein wrote:
| >
| > > I'm about to put together a PC and will buy everything online --
| MoBo,
| > > RAM, CPU, case, etc.
| > >
| > > I live in California, and while I've ordered from in
the past
| > > with great success, I'd like to avoid CA sales tax on this
| purchase.
| > >
| > > Based on personal experience, can anyone recommend their online
| for
| > > good prices and good service?
| > >
| > > Thanks.
| > >
| > > John
| >
| >
| > You live in California but don't want to pay the measly
| > 7.5 - 8.25%? Then you don't need the services, present or
| > future, that the State of California provide you. Move to
| > another state with no sales tax. There are already too
| > many tax dodgers and non-payors in California who utilize
| > these services, ranging from health to education, etc.,
| > while also shifting the burden on to those that do.
| >