Looking for good e-shop to buy equipment from

It depends what sort of computer stuff you are after, but dabs.com, ebuyer.com and aria.co.uk are some of the main ones.

Check out the retailer ratings page and it will give you a list of the main ones along with ratings:


Welcome to the site :D

Have purchased a Maxtor 160GB SATA drive recently from www.e-itproducts.com which came next day and still works fine. They also supply other pc parts and is easy to navigate there site

Have also purchased parts from www.overclockers.co.uk, they also have a good selection of parts at reasonable prices.

There are a lot of sites out there that take your money but offer very little service.

Its worthwhile making note of the ones that provide excellent service as you never no when you need them ie if you get a problem with one of your purchases and have to return it. :)
I've always used www.ebuyer.co.uk for all my hardware purchases. I tend to find they have the best prices around and I can't knock their service as they replied to my queries quickly and effectively.
Only two I've never had problems with, and I've had to rma stuff with both, are www.overclock.co.uk and www.kustompcs.co.uk

I've had good service from Dabs as well, but never had to rma anything with them, so I'll reserve judgement.

Just about every other supplier, I've had problems with, especially e-buyer.

Probs with: overclockers.co.uk; scan; Aria; CCL (only minor); Tekheads; e-buyer (really bad); redstore (really bad) and some more I can't think of.

www.chillblast.co.uk are good as well, but pricier than most

In short, online buying does carry a degree of risk, particularly if you can't contact the company by phone or via a trade counter local to you.

But we all buy this way, cos you just can't beat the range of stock and prices.

PS: forgot, haven't had a prob with Komplett either, but, as with Dabs, never had to rma anything.
psd99 said:

they will beat any online price if u ask them to

What they like with rma's? Can you reach them on the phone?

And yes, overclock are a little more expensive, but aren't we seeing a pattern here?

Pay cheap, get messed about. Pay a little more, get backup. Kinda obvious really.

And they're still cheaper and offer a better range than PC World.