Looking for Freeware for remote access???

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert Paladin
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Robert Paladin said:
Freeware for remote access to my computer from the road?


Look at VNC:
http://realvnc.com/ <-- the original
http://tightvnc.com/ <-- a variant
http://ultravnc.sourceforge.net/ <-- the best for windows IMHO

To secure your connection use SSH:
http://tech.erdelynet.com/cygwin-sshd.html <-- how to setup a SSHd server on
http://tech.erdelynet.com/ssh-vnc.html <-- how to use VNC though an
encrypted SSH tunnel

But even securing your connection never ever connect to your home computer
on an untrusted computer like an airport kiosk. That would just be crazy!

Also look here: http://faq.gotomyvnc.com/


Yes, that would be my choice too.

It is quite secure, and you can make it very secure by reading the
full documentation:


(Accept only connections from 1 ip-adress, yours, and use a GOOD
password, configure the software firewall on the server pc also to
accept only 1 ip-adress).

If you use DSL or cable modem, and it has a build in firewall/router,
you'll need to open up port 5900 in that modem, and port 5800 too if
you also want to use the JAVA client.

That's about it.

Success! Manuel