I only need one picture stored on the web in it's original size
(about 1.2mb, 4 mega pixel resolution, or at least 2 megapixel resolution).
All the web site that I have seen so far scrink your picture.
I you know of one let met know. Please don't go off on a tangent in this
All I am intrested is in free storage space on the web (full size) so I can
a link to it from a news group. Thanks.
(about 1.2mb, 4 mega pixel resolution, or at least 2 megapixel resolution).
All the web site that I have seen so far scrink your picture.
I you know of one let met know. Please don't go off on a tangent in this
All I am intrested is in free storage space on the web (full size) so I can
a link to it from a news group. Thanks.