Recently I posted a question on how slow my DCount()
function was working on a database with 1,500,000 records
and someone responded telling me to do this:
In the click event code on the form object:
Dim vRecordCount As Double
vRecordCount = retCount("requirements","...","...")
And in a module this was called:
Public Function retCount(TableName As String, WhereClause
As String) As Long
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT Count(*) As TotalRecords " & _
"FROM [" & TableName & "] " & _
"WHERE " & WhereClause
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
retCount = rs!TotalRecords
Set rs = Nothing
End Function
This was so much faster and makes me wonder if there is a
faster way for my question below.
This is on group totals. I have a query on the same
1,500,000 records where I am doing:
Field1 Field2 Field3 Field
GroupBy GroupBy GroupBy Sum
There are even a couple Fields with WHERE criteria and
this is way too slow.
Is there a method of grouping and totalling and being able
to call the results to a report that is faster than doing
it the way I am in the query grid. I was hoping for the
same pickup of speed as I found in the DCount() method
change above.
Thank you for your help.
function was working on a database with 1,500,000 records
and someone responded telling me to do this:
In the click event code on the form object:
Dim vRecordCount As Double
vRecordCount = retCount("requirements","...","...")
And in a module this was called:
Public Function retCount(TableName As String, WhereClause
As String) As Long
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT Count(*) As TotalRecords " & _
"FROM [" & TableName & "] " & _
"WHERE " & WhereClause
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
retCount = rs!TotalRecords
Set rs = Nothing
End Function
This was so much faster and makes me wonder if there is a
faster way for my question below.
This is on group totals. I have a query on the same
1,500,000 records where I am doing:
Field1 Field2 Field3 Field
GroupBy GroupBy GroupBy Sum
There are even a couple Fields with WHERE criteria and
this is way too slow.
Is there a method of grouping and totalling and being able
to call the results to a report that is faster than doing
it the way I am in the query grid. I was hoping for the
same pickup of speed as I found in the DCount() method
change above.
Thank you for your help.