wylbur37 wrote:
Thanks very much for recommending Spread32.
I downloaded it, tried it, and it looks very nice.
It has a clean, solid, well-designed "feel" about it.
Before this, I had tried the Sphygmic Spreadsheet and found that
it doesn't seem to display longfilenames.
I had also downloaded some sample .XLS files from random websites
to use as testing, and Sphygmic could not load (i.e., open and display)
any of them.
But when I used Spread32, it opened all of them!
Thanks again!
You're welcome. It is a good rugged program. But if you use it a lot,
the constant nagging is a pain, and I suggest this as a remedy:
Push That Freakin' Button (PTFB)
(Freeware) (last freeware version)
Windows OS: Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000
Languages: English
Description: Push the Freakin' Button (or PTFB for short) is a button
pressing utility. PTFB runs in the background - usually its only
on-screen presence is a mouse-shaped task bar icon. When a dialog
causes irritation, you simply tell PTFB which button should be pressed,
and it will handle the dialog in future. By default, PTFB is cautious -
a dialog has to be a perfect match for its hitlist entry before any
buttons will be pressed. But it can be set to be less strict, allowing
a range of similar dialogs to be handled from one hitlist entry. Main
Features: Simple drag-drop interface for adding buttons to the
"hit-list". Buttons will only be pressed once per appearance - no
pressing frenzy if button does not dismiss the dialog. Task bar icon
for easy access and notification of impending button press.
Configurable press delay and three methods of identifying potential
Company: -- Author: Paul A. Roberts
download 1.06.4 (2003-12) (PTFB1064.zip) (461 KB)
alternate download page 1.06.4 (2003-12) (PTFB1064.zip) (461 KB)
Home Page ($ware version):
(desc. rev.: 2004-09-26)