looking for Converter between VB.NET and C#

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike Strieder
  • Start date Start date
Mike, here's one, but it's not in English

and here's a discussion as well that may help....

IMHO, nothing is going to be very foolproof depeding on your app/code. You
can always compile your VB.NET code into a library and add a
reference....but otherwise, you'll probably have to do a little manual work.
Think about C# constructs like using( ). Since VB.NET doesn't support
using as such, this is a pretty cool feature that would be a little
difficult to convert. Another thing that makes it hard is modules. In C#
you can effectively create a VBModule by creating a Sealed class with all
static members, but in VB.NET you don't need to reference the module name
before a property of it (although many people do). As such, it'd be pretty
hard for any converter to figure all of that out. On simple conversions,
the above tool will probably work, but b/c of the different coding syntaxes
and all it'd be difficult. And if VB code is done without Option Strict,,
you'll really have a conversion mess.

Good Luck,
