looking for Configuration Applications

  • Thread starter Thread starter GaryDean
  • Start date Start date


I'm actually looking for a headstart for a "Configuration Application." We
need to do something like Dell Computer does when you go online and
configure a computer - it's got to have infinite optioning capability with
trees and compatibility and dependency attributes. I'm looking around at
Application Blocks and Patterns.

Maybe there are already developed logical E/R database designes for this
sort of thing?

We probably will have to implement this solution in an ASP.Net application
or a Forms click-once application.

Would appreciate any help on where to find something on this.
Hi Gary,

For the configuration application you mentioned, are you wondering some
suggestion about building the UI such as display the TreeView structure
data or how to query those hardware configuration info? For the UI, you
can choose both ASP.NET or click once(winform smart client) as both of them
support Treeview control that can display hierarchical data. However, if
you want to collect client-side information(such as hardware...), you may
need to use WMI query which is strong code that require certain permission.
And this is better to done through winform application as web page based
application need to use script at client-side.


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