Looking for C# ListBox which works like Windows-XP's Add/Removeprograms ListBox.

  • Thread starter Thread starter itisthiyagu
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Im looking for ListBox which works like Windows-XP's Add/Remove
programs listbox.
where can i get this kind of listbox ?
I want to show a text in ListItem & it should expand with its
description when user selects a particular item. Also i want to add a
button into to ListItem. it is same like Add/Remove programs ListBox.

anybody help me.
Im looking for ListBox which works like Windows-XP's Add/Remove
programs listbox.
where can i get this kind of listbox ?
I want to show a text in ListItem & it should expand with its
description when user selects a particular item. Also i want to add a
button into to ListItem. it is same like Add/Remove programs ListBox.

I'm not aware of any control that you can purchase that would have this
functionality. To write your own would not be too much effort. The
information that you would need to populate this control is stored in
the registry at
You would need to read through the sub-keys under that. It sounds
like the minimal values you are interested in for each sub-key are
DisplayName, UninstallString. Other values that might be of interest
(though not always populated) might be DisplayVersion, InstallDate,
Comments, Contact, Publisher. You can look at the values in those
sub-keys to see what else you might want to display.
I'm not aware of any control that you can purchase that would have this
functionality.  To write your own would not be too much effort.  The
information that you would need to populate this control is stored in
the registry at
  You would need to read through the sub-keys under that.  It sounds
like the minimal values you are interested in for each sub-key are
DisplayName, UninstallString.  Other values that might be of interest
(though not always populated) might be DisplayVersion, InstallDate,
Comments, Contact, Publisher.  You can look at the values in those
sub-keys to see what else you might want to display.

Thanks Tom Porterfield,
Im looking only for the control(ListBox) which is looking like Add/
Remove programs.
I thought of displaying my information along with some buttons as a
listbox item.
Im going to customize the listbox.
Im looking for ListBox which works like Windows-XP's Add/Remove
programs listbox.
where can i get this kind of listbox  ?
I want to show a text in ListItem & it should expand with its
description when user selects a particular item. Also i want to add a
button into to ListItem. it is same like Add/Remove programs ListBox.

anybody help me.

Easy to do in WPF. Create a list box and define a data template. You
can host WPF in WinForms application -or- WinForms in a WPF
application. You could do it WinForms by extending the ListItem but
that would be a lot more work.