I'm looking for a TV capture card that can record sound and video with
2 simultaneous inputs via composite (That's the Yellow-White-Red cable
set) on 1 card. If it requires an extension cable or something of the
like that's fine but it must be on 1 card.
You would get better results if you explain what results
you are looking for, not the tools or methods you want
to use.
Try to use a "block diagram" description of what
you want. Describe what you have now in great
detail, and what you want to end up with in detail.
Say little or nothing about how you think it should
be done or what tools should be used to do it.
(Isn't that what you are asking the NG's advice on?)
Most people know what they have, and what they
want. Where the problem most often comes in is
when they know they haven't any experience doing
something but have a need to insist on doing it their
way. Then they ask those with some experience, not
how to do something, but how to do it a particular
way using a particular tool.
Often the real answer is: Do it a different way, using
a different tool.