sorry for the cross-post but I'm a bit unsure on which side of the line
I could find such things. I'm looking for a T-SQL Parser in .NET that
produces an abstract syntax tree. Ideally it should also be able to
parse Stored Procedures as well. I would hate to have to write one
myself but would be willing to continue the work on it in case someone
has already started working on it.
Thanks for any input,
Eduard Ralph
sorry for the cross-post but I'm a bit unsure on which side of the line
I could find such things. I'm looking for a T-SQL Parser in .NET that
produces an abstract syntax tree. Ideally it should also be able to
parse Stored Procedures as well. I would hate to have to write one
myself but would be willing to continue the work on it in case someone
has already started working on it.
Thanks for any input,
Eduard Ralph