Looking for a new mouse

Apr 10, 2005
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I currently have a ball mouse and was looking to upgrade it to an optical one. I currently play a few games such as BF2 and HL2. From what i have read 1600dpi is good for gaming so the mouse should be between 1200dpi and 1600dpi.

I have a budget of £20, not sure if this will find me a good mouse for what i need but im hoping you could help me out.

Thanks for your help
Sorry m8 I have to beg to differ.

Although mine did cost cosiderably more than £20 the Logitech MX1000 Laser mouse is fantastic. 20 times more accurate than an optical I believe!

That too runs on batteries (rechargable)
TriplexDread said:
Sorry m8 I have to beg to differ.

Although mine did cost cosiderably more than £20 the Logitech MX1000 Laser mouse is fantastic. 20 times more accurate than an optical I believe!

That too runs on batteries (rechargable)

Yep, that is a very good mouse. I have been looking at th
e Logitech MX518 or Logitech MX510. Around £25-30, both have really good reviews especially the MX518.
It's up to what you like or you want to spend on a new mouse at the end of the day.
Yes very astute exmoor ;)

I was simply pointing out that becasue a mouse has battereis it does not give it a handicap :)

Although price can be a major issue. Mine for example was £50 at the time
Get a cat like mine she catches them for free
sorry guys just had to say it

Paid £6 for my wireless, optical, multi channel, multi button mouse with recharging base unit (usb) a couple years ago.


Made by Chic
The Logitech LX3 was my first foray into optical mousing--around USD20. It will be my last for a long spell.

It soon showed a flaky left switch, insufficiently debounced. After 2 weeks it was potluck whether I would get 0, 1 or 2 clicks for my one click gesture. Never three, I'll give them that.

I was invited by their tech support to try it on another machine. No, gentlemen, that's not what you say to someone who wants to use your damn mouse on the machine he bought it for.

Besides that fatal flaw, the direction was sometimes paradoxical on fine motor gestures. That was tolerable. Throwing a 0-1-2-0-1-2 die at every mouse click was not tolerable.

I have been using a Logitech MX 700 for five years now and it was secondhand when I got it. Still has the same batteries and they last well and charge up quickly, I can use the fully charged mouse for 8 or 9 hours with no problems. An excellent all round mouse.

I recently got the OCZ Dominatrix mouse for about £20. It is a winner. Apparently it is no longer in production but has been replaced with a slightly different version with a new name, can't think why
If the new version is as good then it would be a good buy.



Just noticed Sexy Bex has a news item about this new OCZ mouse in the daily news section.

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As abarb says, for the money the OCZ mouse looks the shiznit :thumb:

For gaming, disregarding budget, Logi G5 roolz :)

And although they're not to everybody's taste, the Razer series of mice are worth looking at.
floppybootstomp said:
As abarb says, for the money the OCZ mouse looks the shiznit :thumb:

For gaming, disregarding budget, Logi G5 roolz :)

And although they're not to everybody's taste, the Razer series of mice are worth looking at.

I second the recommendation for the Logi G5 its a great mouse.