Looking for a grid detailing which tool comes with which version of Windows

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stephen Howe
  • Start date Start date

Stephen Howe

One of the most annoying thing working from the command line in Windows is
that each version of Windows comes with different tools or the command
processor internal commands change from versions of Windows.

For instance DELTREE comes with Windows 98, it does not come with Windows
2000, XP.

Is there somewhere (more than once place?) on the Internet, which details
which tools are available on which version of Windows, common enviromental
variables and command line differences?

It would be useful.


Stephen Howe
One of the most annoying thing working from the command line in Windows is
that each version of Windows comes with different tools or the command
processor internal commands change from versions of Windows.

For instance DELTREE comes with Windows 98, it does not come with Windows
2000, XP.

Is there somewhere (more than once place?) on the Internet, which details
which tools are available on which version of Windows, common enviromental
variables and command line differences?

It would be useful.


Stephen Howe
See tip 2815 » Windows 2000 CMD help.
See tip 5451 » Windows XP CMD help. (and Windows Server 2003)
in the 'Tips & Tricks' at http://www.jsifaq.com

Jerold Schulman
Windows Server MVP
JSI, Inc.
One of the most annoying thing working from the command line in Windows is
that each version of Windows comes with different tools or the command
processor internal commands change from versions of Windows.

For instance DELTREE comes with Windows 98, it does not come with Windows
2000, XP.

Is there somewhere (more than once place?) on the Internet, which details
which tools are available on which version of Windows, common enviromental
variables and command line differences?

It would be useful.


Stephen Howe
See tip 2815 » Windows 2000 CMD help.
See tip 5451 » Windows XP CMD help. (and Windows Server 2003)
in the 'Tips & Tricks' at http://www.jsifaq.com

Jerold Schulman
Windows Server MVP
JSI, Inc.
For Windows XP.

Command-line reference

Or >>

Command-line reference

Start | Run | Copy and paste the following line:

hh ntcmds.chm

Click OK.

Command-line reference A-Z

Or >>

Command-line reference A-Z

Start | Run | Copy and paste the following line:

%windir%\hh.exe ms-its:c:\Windows\Help\ntcmds.chm::/ntcmds.htm

Click OK.

New ways to do familiar tasks

Or >>

New ways to do familiar tasks

Start | Run | Copy and paste the following line:

%windir%\hh.exe ms-its:C:\WINDOWS\Help\ntcmds.chm::/dos_diffs.htm

Click OK.

Scroll down to Unavailable MS-DOS Commands

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
