Looking for a decent ebook reader

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dewey Edwards
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Depends on what you want --- do you want to view .pdfs or .html or .txt files?

- The Glassbookreader / Adobe eBook Reader is best for .pdfs (so long as
they're not so new a version that it can't open them). If not you'll have to
get Adobe Reader 6 (if you've got Win98SE) or 7 (2000 or XP only need apply)
which inherited many of the features from Glassbook. The former two can also be
used for .html files --- but rotation is disabled for them.

- For .html texts the muBook program from
http://www.gowerpoint.com/uBook_main.html is quite nice. Remembers one's place
(hmm, now it'll read .chm files --- wasn't someone asking for that a while
back?). Unfortunately it seems to no longer be truly free --- registration is
required (and one can buy a license for $12 and is crippled until registered it
seems, but licensing and registering seem to be two different things?).

- ybook is perfect for .txt files. http://www.spacejock.com/yBook.html (and
it's still free) --- also does .html files (though I've not tried it for them)

There're also format-specific readers like :

- Microsoft's ebook reader ``Microsoft reader''

- Palm .doc - http://www.palmdigitalmedia.com/products/palmreader/free

and here's a page listing lots of programs (not all of which may be free


Most e-book readers try to imitate the paper look, but that is pretty hard
on the eyes. Try Bookreader www.rudenko.com, big letters and autoscroll,
even reades them out loud if they are in english.
Dewey Edwards said:
Title says it all.

Tom's eTextReader


The reader's import formats include HTML, RTF, Palm DOC,
OpenOffice/StartOffice SXW, simple XML, or MS Word
DOC files, also directly from within zip archives.
Multiple files can be opened and joined.
A few other features:
- Set criteria for creating a table of contents.
- Recent files and favorite files/directories.
- Bookmarks.
- Find text in files.
- Modify the text with an internal editor.
- Browse and download files from Project Gutenberg.
