Looking for a Bible

  • Thread starter Thread starter KSL
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I am looking for a feeware bible to download. I don't need a lot of fancy
stuff just a simple program with a nice search. Some of the ones I have
seen online are too complicated and just not what I need for my personal
study. Thanks so much .
I am looking for a feeware bible to download. I don't need
a lot of fancy stuff just a simple program with a nice
search. Some of the ones I have seen online are too
complicated and just not what I need for my personal study.
Thanks so much . KSL

I've got a Bible I've put up here:
So long ago, I can't say for sure, but I think it is HTML only,
and includes the apocrypha.
Bible Plus ZDNet calls Bible Plus an "outstanding achievement in
transferring the King James Bible to electronic media." A lightning fast
search engine powers the system. Great for quick and easy searches of
the entire Bible (both Old and New Testaments). Runs in Windows 3.1 and
up. 2.8Mb On my Apps 1 page or here:



Son Of Spy

Don't blame me, I didn't vote for Bush <<either>> time!

Some You Won't Find Anywhere Else...

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I am looking for a feeware bible to download. I don't need a lot of
fancy stuff just a simple program with a nice search. Some of the ones
I have seen online are too complicated and just not what I need for my
personal study. Thanks so much .

Project Gutenberg has The Bible available as a text file. You can download
it and open it in yBook which is a freeware ebook reader.

Go here for the Bible text:

And here to download YBook:

Please note that the Bible is a big book and will take a while to load and
index in yBook even on a powerful computer. You can of course open the
text in an editor or word processor also which would give you the search
option you need.

While I'm at it, yBook is great for all the litterature available from
Project Gutenberg.
Son Of Spy said:
Bible Plus ZDNet calls Bible Plus an "outstanding achievement in
transferring the King James Bible to electronic media." A lightning fast
search engine powers the system. Great for quick and easy searches of the
entire Bible (both Old and New Testaments). Runs in Windows 3.1 and up.
2.8Mb On my Apps 1 page or here:



Son Of Spy
Is it only for W95?

KSL said:
I am looking for a feeware bible to download. I don't need a lot of fancy
stuff just a simple program with a nice search. Some of the ones I have
seen online are too complicated and just not what I need for my personal
study. Thanks so much .

IMO the many versions and study aids at www.e-sword.net
can't be beat by anybody's study Bible, free or otherwise.

I am looking for a feeware bible to download. I don't need a lot of fancy
stuff just a simple program with a nice search. Some of the ones I have
seen online are too complicated and just not what I need for my personal
study. Thanks so much .

You could try the Online Bible package, and see whether it meets your

They have a starter pack with;
- the Online Bible Edition
- King James Authorized Version Bible
- Easton's Dictionary
- Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
- Greek and Hebrew Lexicons
- OLB Theme Index
- Morning and Evening Devotional.

or you can download just the program, and mix and match to suit.



Starter Pack

Program Only

(Information http://www.onlinebible.org/html/eng/starterspack.htm)


Bible Versions



KSL said:
wrote in message

I am looking for a feeware bible to
download. I don't need a lot of fancy
stuff just a simple program with a nice
search. Some of the ones I have seen
online are too complicated and just not
what I need for my personal study.
Thanks so much .
From: (e-mail address removed)

IMO the many versions and study aids
at www.e-sword.net can't be beat by
anybody's study Bible, free or otherwise.


I agree with Juzme!

E-Sword- www.e-sword.net is the best bible system out there! Fantastic
search engine(s)! You can make it simple or complex. I've been using it
for over a year. I keep adding to it, many add-on options to choose.
Note :
Several bible types to choose from, if you are a serious studier of the
Kings James bible it is a MUST!
Do let the site or programs intimidate you, it has plenty of support.

Semi said:

I agree with Juzme!

E-Sword- www.e-sword.net is the best bible system out there! Fantastic
search engine(s)! You can make it simple or complex. I've been using it
for over a year. I keep adding to it, many add-on options to choose.
Note :
Several bible types to choose from, if you are a serious studier of the
Kings James bible it is a MUST!
Do let the site or programs intimidate you, it has plenty of support.

FWIW, I downloaded eSword today and I'm quite impressed with it. I'm
looking forward to a good read and some great study.

KSL said:
I am looking for a feeware bible to download. I don't need a lot of
fancy stuff just a simple program with a nice search. Some of the
ones I have seen online are too complicated and just not what I need
for my personal study. Thanks so much . KSL

This one has a clean interface and not many bells and whistles:
MoNooN Bible Reader is the software that enables that you read the
Bible and search some texts in Bible. It's free.
In message on
13 Dec 2004, KSL said to all at alt.comp.freeware
I am looking for a feeware bible to download. I don't need a lot of
fancy stuff just a simple program with a nice search. Some of the
ones I have seen online are too complicated and just not what I need
for my personal study. Thanks so much .

KSL, not sure if I saw all the posts, but there is something called the
Sword project at http://www.crosswire.org. It works for me!!

I *believe* it is a smaller download than E-Sword, although that is a fine
program as well.

Good luck in your studies!


Jonathan Wolgamuth <jonwolgamuth(at)gmail(dot)com>

"Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
'God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,
With peace on earth, good will to men.'"
KSL said:
I am looking for a feeware bible to download. I don't need a lot of fancy
stuff just a simple program with a nice search. Some of the ones I have
seen online are too complicated and just not what I need for my personal
study. Thanks so much .

Here are some bible related sites which you may find interesting:



Frank Bohan
¶ Why do Nonconformists all look alike?
e-sword is really good, and there are some free modern translations like the
good news and the message available plus lots of commentaries and other add

If you want simple there is http://berbible.sourceforge.net/index.html

The online Bible is also pretty good - it has some of the better
translations available for a small price to add on, I wanted the NLT and got
it for less than three quid from the american site. [more expensive on the
UK pages!] The totally free software above obviously doesn't offer any of
the main translations where the copywrite owners won't give free use of the


Hope this heps
Here are some bible related sites which you may find interesting:

Should I post all my Bible related sites?
Giovanni said:
Should I post all my Bible related sites?

Seek divine guidance for the answer to your question.


Frank Bohan
¶ Whoever said you can't buy happiness forgot about puppies.
Should I post all my Bible related sites?
Go Ahead!

There no need of a divine guidance to say that we are OT. I respect
your ideas and I don't want to bother you. Bye.