Looking for 1.8" Drive But I'm confused

  • Thread starter Thread starter Justin
  • Start date Start date
Previously Justin said:
I have a Sony TR5 - and here is a picture of the drive currently in there.
Its 30G so obviously I need something bigger.
What type of connector is this and will the Toshiba MK1214GAH work?

This seems to be a standard 2.5" IDE connector (2mm raster distance
and power lines included). As to whether the disk will
work, there are basically two aspects:

1) Will it fit mechanically? Some Nptebook vendors plan specifically
for a sidsk and to not respect the general 2.5" disk size.
Sony _is_ an offender here. I had an SR11k, that I neded to take a
saw to in order to put a new disk in. They had incorrectly
assumed the space over the connector would be free.

2) Will the BIOS support it? No way to know without trying it
or finding somebody that has tried. 30GB is below the 32GB
limit, so the BIOS could have that limit.

This seems to be a standard 2.5" IDE connector (2mm raster distance
and power lines included). As to whether the disk will
work, there are basically two aspects:
1) Will it fit mechanically? Some Nptebook vendors plan specifically
for a sidsk and to not respect the general 2.5" disk size.
Sony _is_ an offender here. I had an SR11k, that I neded to take a
saw to in order to put a new disk in. They had incorrectly
assumed the space over the connector would be free.
2) Will the BIOS support it? No way to know without trying it
or finding somebody that has tried. 30GB is below the 32GB
limit, so the BIOS could have that limit.

Just saw the pins left and right. They are definitely not standard.
Also the cutouts on the left and the right are not. Seems a
standard-sized 2.5" disk will not fit here. Sony hardware sucks.
My SR11k died after 2 years of light usage because of two
major design faults.

Arno said:
Just saw the pins left and right. They are definitely not standard.
Also the cutouts on the left and the right are not. Seems a
standard-sized 2.5" disk will not fit here. Sony hardware sucks.
My SR11k died after 2 years of light usage because of two
major design faults.


I know a 2.5" won't fit as it was designed for a 1.8"
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the 1.8" drives out there, but
Hitachi has one and the connection is completely different.
Just saw the pins left and right. They are definitely not standard.
Also the cutouts on the left and the right are not. Seems a
standard-sized 2.5" disk will not fit here. Sony hardware sucks.
My SR11k died after 2 years of light usage because of two
major design faults.


Curious, it looks like there's some black cover over the disk label in
the OP:s pic?

I found an online seller with a compatible Toshiba 1.8" 60GB disk here:
(There's a guide for various laptops, to find the correct disk)

looking at the pictures does not reveal the actual Toshiba model, but
comparing the specifications leads me to suspect its this one:

In which case the later 120GB drive might well work.
(normal power specs are not too high IMO, only spinup is a little more

As for the bios limitations, and more exact details, I'd ask Sony support.

Rolf said:
Curious, it looks like there's some black cover over the disk label in
the OP:s pic?

That is a plastic sticker, it peels off easily and is there between the
drive and the circuit board. I can peel that thing off and stick it on
the new drive.
Squeeze said:
Arno Wagner wrote in news:[email protected]

Ooh, shock horror.

Is that all.

Duh, **** the fact that it has a female connector rather than a male one.
Babblebot, your observations are uncanny, as always.

Is there some bad blood 'round these parts?

I won't argue Sony hardware sucks, I bought this thing cheap. I can't
afford a decent laptop now. But I'll get a refurb Powerbook at the end
of this quarter maybe.
Is there some bad blood 'round these parts?

Just some trolls that think this group belongs to them. Interestingly
the "Chatter Bot" accusation is originally from me. These trolls cannot
even come up with their own isults....
I won't argue Sony hardware sucks, I bought this thing cheap. I can't
afford a decent laptop now. But I'll get a refurb Powerbook at the end
of this quarter maybe.

Then you were more lucky than me. I bought my Vaio at a somewhat
reduced price, but by no means cheap.

Arno said:
Just some trolls that think this group belongs to them. Interestingly
the "Chatter Bot" accusation is originally from me. These trolls cannot
even come up with their own isults....

Then you were more lucky than me. I bought my Vaio at a somewhat
reduced price, but by no means cheap.


Like I said the next laptop I get will be a 13 inch Macbook. But for
now I need more than 30 gigs to store my porn.
I don't want an external drive.
Arno Wagner on the flight forward wrote in news:[email protected]
Just some trolls that think this group belongs to them.

No, really?
the "Chatter Bot" accusation is originally from me.

Uhuh. You must be the uebertroll then.

Pity that you could never show where you did that.
On the other hand, the only post that features your name and that
babblebot name shows that it was someone elses quote, not yours.
Making you the actual thief, babblemouth ...
These trolls cannot even come up with their own isults....

But you can. Of course you can, you are the swiss uebertroll.
Rod said:
Nope, just that terminal ****wit that is kept in a padded cell for its own protection.

Well... I'm glad you kids brought that into my thread.
Since I don't know the history of the conflict can the two of you
killfile me or something? I'd rather have people who know what they're
talking about rather than two people acting like junior high kids piss
and moan at each other.
Justin wrote in news:[email protected]
Well... I'm glad you kids brought that into my thread.
Since I don't know the history of the conflict can the two of you
killfile me or something?

Anything wrong with doing that yourself?
Oh wait, that takes out all the fun of it, can't have that.
I'd rather have people who know what they're talking about

Right. Obviously the clueless babblebot is exactly what you need.
rather than two people acting like junior high kids piss
and moan at each other.

Which obviously you keep far away from.

Btw, nice touch, that ruler, next to the drive.
Had the clueless babblebot stooped no end to what it's purpose was.
Well... I'm glad you kids brought that into my thread.

I'm old enough to be your father and quite likely your grandfather too thanks.
Since I don't know the history of the conflict can the two of you killfile me or something?

Not into that sort of juvenile stunt myself.
I'd rather have people who know what they're talking about rather than
two people acting like junior high kids piss and moan at each other.

You have always been, and always will be, completely and utterly irrelevant.

What you might or might not rather have in spades.
Rod said:
I'm old enough to be your father and quite likely your grandfather too thanks.

Not into that sort of juvenile stunt myself.

You have always been, and always will be, completely and utterly irrelevant.


If the left side of your body goes numb, don't worry about it. No big
deal, just walk it off.
Pain in your left arm? Hit the treadmill.
Justin said:
Rod Speed wrote


I wasnt the one proclaiming about what I'd rather have, child.
If the left side of your body goes numb, don't worry about it. No big deal, just walk it off.
Pain in your left arm? Hit the treadmill.

Let go of your dick before you end up completely blind, child.