Research has led me to understand that look ups do not belong on tables. Does
that mean that the fields I was going to look up should be removed from the
table as well?
DriverID - PK
DLNumber- text
DLExpiryDate - date/time
DLStatus - UNKNOWN:There is 1 of 4 choices: Active, Conditional, Interim,
DLProvinceOfIssue - text
DLClasses Held - UNKNOWN: 7 classes, more than one/ driver-unsure how to
DriverAbstract - link
AbstractDate - date/time
AbsrtactExpiryDate - date/time
AbstractReviewer - text
1. Do I leave those 2 fields in the table without a look up?
2. Do I create a DLStatus table and a DLClass table?
3. Do I remove the 2 fields from the table altogether and not worry about
them until designing the form?
4.None of the above
that mean that the fields I was going to look up should be removed from the
table as well?
DriverID - PK
DLNumber- text
DLExpiryDate - date/time
DLStatus - UNKNOWN:There is 1 of 4 choices: Active, Conditional, Interim,
DLProvinceOfIssue - text
DLClasses Held - UNKNOWN: 7 classes, more than one/ driver-unsure how to
DriverAbstract - link
AbstractDate - date/time
AbsrtactExpiryDate - date/time
AbstractReviewer - text
1. Do I leave those 2 fields in the table without a look up?
2. Do I create a DLStatus table and a DLClass table?
3. Do I remove the 2 fields from the table altogether and not worry about
them until designing the form?
4.None of the above