Dorian Chalom said:
Screen is:
Table is:
How do I set this up so that when I select a Table the Field is filtered to
those Fields for that Table and the Value is filtered to the Vaules for the
Field selected. Then when the Field is selected the Values are filtered to
the values for that field?
Do you understand?
Can you help?
there was understanding and help

You may want to set the 'watch
thread' flag when you download your message's header.
This I wrote you on your first message on the same subject, it answers
your problem as you put it now:
I assume you would want to display in the 2nd combo the fields of the
table chosen in the 1st, then filter the form with the chosen table
and the chosen field. If so, you must first set a criteria in the
query for the 2nd combo to limit the list of field names to the chosen
table. The SQL view would look something like this:
SELECT DISTINCT Field, Table FROM MyInfoTable WHERE Table =
The code would look something like this:
Private Sub cmbTable_AfterUpdate()
If Not IsNull(Me!cmbTable) Then
'Update the list in cmbField to show
'the chosen table fields
'No table chosen, so reset the field combo
Me!cmbField = Null
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume cmbTable_AfterUpdate_Exit
End Sub
Private Sub cmbField_AfterUpdate()
' Find the record that matches the control.
Dim strWhere As String
On Error GoTo cmbField_AfterUpdate_Err
'Check if there is criteria chosen and
'proceed only when yes
If Not IsNull(Me!cmbField) Then
'Put together the filter criteria
strWhere = "
= '" & Me!cmbTable & "' AND [Field] = '"
& Me!cmbField & "'"
'First, delete the filter set previously
Me.FilterOn = False
'Set the filter
Me.Filter = strWhere
Me.FilterOn = True
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume cmbField_AfterUpdate_Exit
End Sub
Some remarks to your original code: you don't need to search the
recordset and set a bookmark if you want to set a filter in the form,
and you don't need to edit a recordset to set the form's bookmark.
I'm not sure what you wanted with the code in cmbTable_AfterUpdate,
but I'd say, there is not much use to search a record in the form if
the user has selected the table but no field from that table.
Best regards
Emilia Maxim
PC-SoftwareService, Stuttgart
Best regards
Emilia Maxim
PC-SoftwareService, Stuttgart