i need some help i need a formula that looks up both x and y axis and
returns the value.
i am looking for a formula that put the exact size into the formula eg
120 x 650 and it looks up the ranges to find the price which would be
spreadsheets is attached
please help
| Attachment filename: doors.xls |
|Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=349629|
i need some help i need a formula that looks up both x and y axis and
returns the value.
i am looking for a formula that put the exact size into the formula eg
120 x 650 and it looks up the ranges to find the price which would be
spreadsheets is attached
please help
| Attachment filename: doors.xls |
|Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=349629|